Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Still going on and on

It took me forever to get to sleep last night.  My fibro is on fire, I'm sure from the night before, which I'll get into later.  Now, where was I?  Oh yes Saturday.

So Andy gets me up and moving and we take off a little early since I really need to eat and we still need to stop at the store and get stuff for birthday's and Father's Day.  Yes, I know, we're terrible last minute shoppers :).  Anyway, so we head out a little before 2:00 and decide to head for In N Out burger.  This is one of Andy's favorite places ever and as a bonus he did some research on where they get their beef, and to our surprise they search out local farmers for each store and are extremely picky about the quality of their meat.  Awesome.  I was on the phone with my mom as we were on our way to eat and found out the whole family showed up around noon except for us!  It was all coincidence though, so we were still okay on time. So we head down Bangerter and hit the In N Out at Jordan Landing.  We get our food and head out, but instead of getting back on Bangerter, Andy got on some side road and got down into some neighborhood.  We ended up getting turned around and lost for a bit until we got ourselves back on Redwood and heading south again.  Andy forgot that road heads straight to Lehi though and got off it again heading to the freeway.  It was an interesting little adventure but it took some time.  We got to AF and got off the first exit and hit the Target there to pick up gifts.  We ended up running way behind and didn't get to mom's until 5:00 and had everyone worried we got in trouble on the way.  We got Kinzie a Toy Story Mr Potato head that she loved and gave my mom cash for her birthday and dad cash for Father's Day.  What else do you get people you love that have everything?  lol.  We had a very enjoyable evening visiting with family and eating good food, we stuck with salads since we ate late.  I got to see my old friend Sharlee to my delight.  I haven't seen her in forever and miss her, She has such a great personality and is so fun to talk to and laugh with.  Got to say hi to her mom too.  I love catching up.

Andy and I ended up being the last ones there and got to have some one on one time with my parents which was really nice.  My sister and her husband and my step sister have all got me worried with what is going on in their lives and I was able to talk it over with mom a bit which is always good.  We ended up not leaving until after 9:00 and decided to head for a movie.  We saw Jonah Hex.  I liked that it was a western type movie with a comic book twist, and it was interesting, but overall it seemed a little choppy and way too short.  The ending came and I was like, "That's it, it's over already?" It was worth seeing, but is not a buyer.

Anyway, my break is up, gotta get back to work.  Lot's to do today.

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