Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Had a really nice weekend.  Had a great time at the in laws on Saturday to celebrate John and Mikey's birthdays and John and Lewetta's anniversary.  Happy birthday guys and happy anniversary you two!  Was very lazy on Sunday except when I killed my arm and back using the weed wacker. I really should not use that particular piece of yard equipment.  We had a very enjoyable afternoon and evening at my parent's for a bbq on Monday.  It's was perfect weather and we were able to do it all outside.  It was great.

I've been having a bit of anxiety about my little buddy, Chewy.  We took him back to the vet today and his right eye no longer has the ulcer, but it now has a new one in a different spot and his left eye has such low pressure it doesn't even read out on the meter.  Andy and I both decided we really don't like the vet we've been seeing so I think I'll ask for a different one next time.  The tech was really nice and super sweet with Mister and kept sneaking him "cookies", too bad he wasn't the vet.  They took some blood and have to send it out to do a full panel and thyroid test.  We'll find out the results in a day or two.  I'm having anxiety over it, the poor guy has been whining in his sleep, even on pain meds.

On top of all this, vets are freaking expensive.  We're on a super tight budget and the car is also due for registration and our anniversary is coming up.  This sucks.

I put my lovely pool table and our little air hockey table on KSL today.  Oh well, they were fun while they lasted.

I also once again cancelled my wow account.  I haven't been playing as much anyway.

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