Thursday, March 31, 2011

Phones and cleaning.

So Andy ordered me a new phone off Ebay, something we were both a bit nervous about.  What if the seller lied?  What if it won't work or there is something hidden wrong with it?  Normal questions buying anything used.  Well I finally got it Tuesday and was really excited about it.  Until Andy tried to activate it on our line.  It wouldn't activate.  A message came up saying it was still active on another account.  What?  What a punk! The seller said it worked great, was clean, and usable but he didn't shut off his service to it?  What an idiot.  Andy emailed and let him know he needs to shut it off.  While this was happening I was playing with the phone and guess what?  he left his entire contact list on it!  What an idiot.  Ordering take out from China was very tempting and crossed my mind.  Prank texting all his contacts also went thru my head.  But I decided to be nice.  He finally answered last night and said he would have to go to the Sprint store and see what was going on with it.  Hopefully he'll do that today.  It's so frustrating having a new used phone and not be able to use it.  It's much nicer and far more responsive than what I have.

So my dad and his lady friend (what do you call someone your dad is engaged to but isn't going to marry?  Does fiancee still count?  Step-mom?) are in town and so I've left our normal week night plans open and have been cleaning.  I realized last night tho that I have been cleaning a little each day ever since we got a dishwasher and I probably would have cleaned as much as I did last night even if they weren't in town.  Which is good cause I found out today they won't be coming by  :(  Ever since our old dishwasher broke I have not been the greatest housekeeper, but I used to be and this has bugged me, but I couldn't get myself motivated unless people were coming over, which doesn't happen all that often, so it stays messy.  Now that we have a new one tho, I have this great urge to get everything clean.  Could be spring fever too, not sure.  But, it's like having a working dishwasher gives me hope of being able to keep up and keep it all clean.  Weird, but nice.  

I'm hoping Saturday we can go look at new mattresses and maybe get the lawn sprayed and fence repaired.  Lily has a late appointment to get her shots that day too.  Gonna be busy.  Glad tomorrow is Friday.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sewing Frustrations

So my mom was nice enough to give me some black thread when we stopped in on Sunday on the way back from my dad's and so last night I decided to finally hem my black pants.  I stood on stool and had Andy mark the length for me and then proceeded to cut off the bottoms.  I figured since my brown pants went so easily that my blacks pants would be the same.  No such luck.  Once I got them measured and pinned for the hem I wanted and the machine set up to go I had nothing but trouble.  On every single seam it caught, bunched, knotted and broke no matter how careful I was.  I finally got them done but it took a lot longer than it should have and I was frustrated instead of pleased when I was done.  If you don't look close they look fine, but you can see the trouble on all the seams if you do.  I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it all comes out int he wash. 

Also in the process of doing this, my cat decided she would be ever so helpful and kept playing with the pants and pulled them off the board several times and reaching up trying to get the string and trying to get the bobbin whenever I had it out trying to sort out the jam and at one point I had the box of pins too close to the edge and she reached up and slapped them and pulled them off sending pins all over.  Darn Cat!  LOL

I think I'll keep to repairs in the future, they are easier hehe.

Back to the Farm

So going without my husband kinda sucked.  I don't like being away and I slept like crap even tho we talked each night and several times each day.  But I got thru it and so did he and we were both very happy to see each other Sunday.

It was a long drive down and we were all very eager to get out of the truck by the time we got there.  We had a very nice evening Friday.  When dad was getting the trailer ready for me to sleep in earlier in the day he had inadvertently trapped a cat in there and the darn thing had pooped on the bed.  When I went out to put my duffel away after we got there I stripped the top blanket and took it in to be washed.  As I was settling down to go to sleep I noticed the bed still smelled of cat.  the dumb cat must have sprayed or something, I couldn't find any evidence that he had peed, but it was late and I was tired and it wasn't totally unbearable so I decided it was too late and I would strip the entire bed in the morning.

Saturday was very busy almost from the get go.  Once we were all up and moving we went to the Cowboy Corral for breakfast (which was very good, my eggs were perfect!) and then back to the house and got to work.  We spent the entire day down in the food storage room in the basement.  I lost count of the trips up and down the stairs and the number of cases of bad bottled food were brought up as well as the number of boxes containing empty canning jars brought up and the number of boxes and bags containing garbage brought up.

On a side note, there is no trash service in my dad's area of town and so trash must be burned.  His ex-wife hated taking the trash out to burn it for whatever reason, and so started stashing it all over the house and this wasn't discovered until she was out.  At least she took the food garbage out, just not the rest.

Back on topic, Down in this room, instead of having shelves around the outside of the room, there is a block of shelves in the middle of the room with the outside of the room being the walk way.  It's a very neat set up and I would love to do the same if I had a big storage room.  Anyway, when we started you could step into the room and up to the closest corner of the shelves with a very skinny walk way to the back of the room and access to the deep freezer to the immediate right and that was it.  When we were done you could walk completely around the shelves and not much was left on the floor at all. By the end of the day we were all filthy and exhausted.

We went to dinner back at the Cowboy Corral as they were doing a shin-dig.  The food wasn't too bad for dinner either other than I got a perfectly cooked, beautiful steak...with no flavor.  It was sad.  The rest of the food was okay and for desert I had a very delicious slice of banana cream pie.  The rest of the evening was spent chatting and watching Becca play.  That girl never stops.  She's not hyper or anything, she just goes and goes.  I've decided to call her Bunny, for the energizer bunny.  She's so adorable tho and she was really cute trying to figure out how to peddle the tractor peddle car which she finally did and peddled for the first time ever!  As I was falling asleep I remembered I forgot to change the bedding, ugh.  Oh well, too late to do anything about it at that point.  I called Andy and then fell into a very uncomfortable sleep.

Nancy made us a wonderful breakfast of ham steak, scrambled eggs, and toast for breakfast and then we all did our best to forget our soreness and gather up our stuff to go.  Nancy had emptied and packed up all the crystal out of my grandma's hutch the day before and so Kenton and I got the hutch out of the house and into the truck.  It was a lot heavier than I thought it would be and we all discovered that it had been put in it's corner and never moved again.  Only the front and one visible side were painted and only the walls around it had been painted and wallpapered.  Crazy.  We were all pretty irritable at this point and spent some of the morning griping at each other.

Once everything was loaded tho, Stacie and I grabbed our cameras and started snapping pictures all over the lot, of the house, the shops, the corrals, the fields and everything.  We split up and headed off in our own directions after shots we thought were important.  We both had to laugh when we traded cameras at lunch and found that we had taking many pictures of the exact same thing at almost the same angle and distance we also found that what one didn't think about the other had captured.  We ate lunch at the Sunny Shopper (the only gas station in town) since they have yummy burgers that you cook yourself in a neat cooker machine and then we went on our way.

It was another long ride that I slept a good portion of.  I woke up when we stopped half way home to pick up some more of the yummy jerky I had bought on the way down but the dumb store was closed.  I was mostly awake the rest of the ride home after that.  We stopped in at our mom's place on the way and stopped to relax and stretch and have a good visit for a bit.  I love visiting my mom.  She bought me this cute little red, yellow, orange, and white striped flower pot for my African Violet plant and I can't wait to get some fresh soil and get it transplanted.

I was very happy to get home and see Andy.  I was excited to show him the big, old pepper grinder I had talked my dad out of.  We have been looking for one forever and just could never find the right one till now.  He loved it.  We labored and got the hutch and boxes of dishes inside and Stacie and Kenton went on home.  I crashed for a bit, then took a super hot, Epsom salts bath (heaven) while Andy went and picked up Del Taco and we watched a movie and went to bed. I was beat and sore.

We're going to have to go down and do this I don't know how many more times before all is said and done. Sigh.

I have tons of pictures to go thru and will post them when I get them sorted.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Mixed Feelings

I have been married going on seven years now and in that time I have never slept apart from my husband (not counting naps of course).  We've never has reason to and never wanted to.

We had made plans this weekend to go to my dad's to help out some more and I was going to pack up my two old trunks and see if he could take a minute or two and make me a couple of keys for them.  My sister and her family had made plans to go as well and for whatever reason we all are having mixed feelings about going.  I don't know why.  For my husband this dilemma turned into anxiety and he was starting to make himself sick.  He feels lost and gets bored when we go down because my dad doesn't know what to do with him and won't give him a chance and never asks him to help and, well, over the years he has not made Andy feels very welcome.  He never talks to him and barely says hi.  My dad also likes to make comments about both our weights.  It bothers us both and neither of us really know what to do about it.   Anyway, I thought all this over and decided, for the first time in our marriage, I would go alone and told him he could stay home if he wanted.  Within hours of telling him this his anxiety eased and he started feeling better.  I love my husband and hate to see him upset.

What this means to me is I can't take my trunks down and I'll ride with my sister.  They are taking the truck and I'm not sure how we are all going to fit.  I imagine it's not going to be a comfy ride down not to mention it is now snowing outside.  Oh well.

This also means that we will be sleeping two night alone.  It's only two nights.  People and couples do it all the time.  I did it for most of my life.  We both did.   So why are we both so weirded out by it?  I'm gonna miss mah Hunneh!  /sadface

I gotta put on my big girl panties and suck it up.  I have to go, it's going to be one of the last times I can.

On a happy note, I'm getting a new phone!  I went from an old crappy flip phone that couldn't do anything but calls and texts to a smart phone a few months ago.  We got good deals on new phones and got Andy an Epic and me an Intercept.  I only chose the Intercept because with the deal we got, it was free and we couldn't afford two Epics even at a discount.  I had lots of expectations for my new, awesome phone and was excited to finally join the modern world as far as phones go.  It didn't live up to these expectations.  It's slow, and clunky, and locks up, and loses signal, and half the aps I want to use, it won't run.  I have ap killers and shut everything running off and it still does it.  I tried removing everything and leaving it bare, it still does it.  It's good for calls and texts.  I have begun to want my flip phone back.  Well, Andy has been sneaky and watching for one and yesterday he called me and informed me I am getting an Epic too!  He found a used one with a clean ecs (whatever that means) with nothing wrong with it that a guy is only selling because he bought a new phone.  And it's half the cost of a new one and 100 or so dollars less than other used ones.  And we got bonuses.  I sure hope it doesn't have hidden issues and it will work great.  I r excited!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Proud of Ourselves

In order for Lowes to take away our old dishwasher, they said it had to be free of the counter and completely unhooked.  So Sunday we set about doing just that.  We had no idea what-so-ever of what we were doing or what we'd find back there.  We got all the dishes out of it (Yes, I had taken to shoving dirties in there in a futile attempt to keep them from overflowing the counter and sink)(Did I tell you we are both very dishabled?  There should be a support group or something hehe) and gave it a good yank.  It wouldn't budge.  Andy gave it another good yank.  It was stuck.  After doing some inspecting I discovered that there was a small tab on the top and someone had put a screw it in fixing the top of the dishwasher to the under side of the counter and of course it came right out after that was removed.  Was that really needed?  I don't think so.  So now it's out and I need to figure out how to remove the water line and the electrical.  The power line actually turned out to be super easy and that was my biggest worry.  Flip the breaker, pull the lines out of the junction box under the machine and pull off the wire nuts and voila!  The water line tho (which we discovered had been leaking) would not come off.  I ended up just yanking the whole hookup section of the damn thing and being done with it.  And that's when I realized just how old that dishwasher might be.  It was hooked up with nothing more than a thick plastic tube, but it was done and out and ready to go and I was impatient to see the hated thing gone.

I had asked our friend Bill to come over and help us install the new dishwasher since I was being intimidated by the idea but I wasn't sure when he would be able to make it out.  When Andy got home from work Monday night, we got the new one out of it's box and both just stared at it wanting nothing more than to have it hooked up and running.  Keep in mind, we have been without one for two years.  TWO years.  We looked at each other and I glanced thru the instruction booklet (I never use them) and then thought over taking out the old one and we decided to give it a shot.  I decided to start with the water line.  Thank goodness we had them throw in a braided copper line with the machine.  I opened up the cupboards and got a good look under our sink.  I've never really taken the time to look under there and guess what I found?  A very complicated, multi-filtered filtration system that takes up all the space and has a million lines running everywhere and being completely in the way.  I knew we had a filter under there, but I thought there was only one big one but there is the big one and then four little ones. It was very frustrating and I don't even care for the taste of the water that comes out of the filter (course they all probably need to be replaced).  Anyway, I had to fight with the shutoff to get it to turn but finally got the hot water turned off before unhooking the old machine the day before.  I had to argue with the lines again to get the old water line unhooked and the new one hooked up.  Andy then fought with the old drain line to get it off the disposal.  Then a hole had to be drilled in the cabinet wall so we could actually hook up the new drain properly (the old one was running up from the bottom but it needs to run down from the top in order to not back up in the dishwasher and make it stink to high heaven as we had been experiencing) and ran the new drain line.  We then shut off the power once again and my unhandyman husband took a crack at hooking up the electricity.  He did a great job by the way. I got the water hooked up and turned on to check for leaks and found none (yay) and it was ready to be pushed under the counter.  This new machine is a tad bit bigger all around than the old one and we had to fight with the insulation to get it to go under (I ended up just taping the back end of it all to the back of the machine) but we finally got it under.  We loaded it up and shut the door, and guess what?  It turned on and ran!  Woohoo.  We had to fight with a few things and we were both tired and irritated by the time we got it done, but we did it ourselves!

We can now officially replace dishwashers and toilets!  hehe.  By the way, a toilet is much easier to replace than a dishwasher.

Service Guys

On Monday I worked from home so I could be here when the guys came to drop off the dishwasher and then again to look at our mattress.  Can I just say, I love working from home.  I wish I could do it every day.  Anyway, the dishwasher guys were here and gone in about 10 minutes, just your ordinary, boring, "just doing our job" delivery guys.  The mattress guy tho, he was hilarious.  It cracks me up that his title is Mattress Inspector too.  I had put up a gate in the basement and left Lily down there so she wouldn't bother the guys and because you just never know how people are going to react to a dog rushing up to them barking for all she's worth, no matter how small she may be and the ones that are scared or bothered by it never believe you when you tell them the dog would never ever bite or nip.  Well, the mattress guy felt bad that she was down there all alone and asked me to go let her up which I thought was very cool.  She of course got upstairs before me and rushed the guy.  I forgot to warn him that she would do that and when I got back up he looked a tad bit worried and told me he thought she was gonna bite him.  I laughed and said she's never even tried to nip anyone, she just likes to pretend she's tough but she's the biggest chicken ever.  He laughed and started teasing her and she showed just how big of a chicken she truly is.  Funny thing tho, as soon as I told him her name and he started calling her by name she shut right up and just huffed at him.  She's never done that before.  Cool.  I'll have to remember that one next time someone comes over she doesn't know.  He said that he had been bit by people's dogs and said chihuahuas were the worst.  I thought that was hilarious.

So we took the bedding off and he started taking pictures of the mattress and found some places that the seams in the quilting had popped on top of it having a big dip.  And then he lifted the mattress off and then grabbed for one of the box springs and it occurred to me that I didn't clean under the bed.  Crap.  Sure enough there was all kinds of junk and garbage under there (and a totally freaked out cat hehe).  My husband has this bad habit of just kicking things under there (not the cat of course) and I got all embarrassed and John just laughed and said he'd seen a lot worse.  He said, "Once I started seeing toys I learned to do my best to only look at the mattress."  LOL Poor guy, who knows what all he's seen.   He told me that one time he was looking at this mattress in a pretty big bedroom and the wife was standing off to the side just kind of "supervising" what was going on, and it was obvious she ruled the roost, and he and the husband got all the bedding off and then lifted the mattress and between the mattress and the bed skirt was a girlie magazine.  He said the husband just got this "Oh shit" look on his face and so he just hurried and grabbed the bed skirt all in a lump and threw it to the side, magazine and all, without the wife seeing so the guy wouldn't get in trouble. Too funny! 

When he was done he had me sign and initial and said it would be about seven business days before we would hear anything and went on his way.  I was totally surprised when I got a call that same evening saying the mattress was definitely bad and poor quality and to go pick out a new one under warranty!  YAY!

Now to find the time to go and pick one out...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

New Toy

So I am really enjoying my new toy, but I never thought I would be so happy over a sewing machine.  Stacie came over Friday night and helped me figure out how to use it and to teach me how to sew.  She helped me do some repairs and taught me how to hem.  It was quite fun.  I have used one before, but it was only once or twice and was so long ago I don't think it counts.  lol

This machine is really old, I'm guessing it's at least 40 but maybe 50 judging by the end of the plug.  

It's a Japanese Super Automatic Sewmor Zig-Zag machine and the manual (Thank goodness my grandma kept that) was translated poorly and some of the sentences don't make much sense but are super funny.  This is the front page:

If it won't let you enlarge it, my two favorite things are Congratulation with no "s" and "Give your machine proper care and it will provide many years of trouble-some service."  Cracks me up!  I have a trouble maker on my hands!

This machine had to be the end all of it's day too.  It has more knobs and levers than I think I have ever seen on a sewing machine.  Course my exposure is limited.  I think we would have been totally lost without the manual the other night, we had to refer to it a lot.  I am not sure, but I don't think it hasn't been ran since probably 96 or 97 but it runs really well considering.  The motor seems to not have enough power to keep it moving when you want to go slow, but it's really not that bad, and runs great at faster speeds.  I think the motor itself is a bit gummed up from lack of use.  I opened up the casing (not the motor) to give it a bit of oil and everything inside looks almost new!  I'm very happy my dad let me have it.  Now to go get some new thread spools in colors that match things we wear and some heavier thread for jeans and get some more repairs and hemming done!  I'm excited, but Andy says it's only because it's something new to play with haha.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New(Old) Sewing Machine and a Crappy Bed

Friday Andy and I were talking about going to sushi again when I get this email from Kristie asking if we want to go to sushi.  I laughed so hard.  So we all went out to sushi and a movie.  I thought Rango was very funny.  It was a great evening.

We were total bums Saturday and didn't go to another movie like we planned nor did we go dishwasher and chair shopping but I did get several movies watched on Netflix and a ton done on my cross stitch.

Sunday my sister invited us to dinner but only I went because Andy wasn't feeling very well.  Her roast dinner was very yummy.  Now my sister has candida and has to stay away from, well, from far too many things to list and as a result has a very limited diet.  She has gotten creative and has been experimenting with lots and lots of different recipes that are supposed to work for her and not make her sick.  Unfortunately most of them are crap.  Well to go with dinner she made a sugar free, gluten free Irish soda bread made with almond flour and a carrot cake thing for desert.  She told me right off she thought the bread would be crap and she wasn't at all sure about the carrot cake thing.  Well, the carrot cake desert was not that good really, I don't think anyone finished it, but the bread...oh the bread turned out yummy!  I would eat that again and it's such a simple recipe I think I might try making it myself. After dinner we played some boggle and I had briefly forgotten how much I really enjoy playing games with my sister!  We have gotten away from it due to our busy lives, but I sure do miss it and think we should do it more.

While I was there we loaded up my grandma's sewing machine from my dad's and I finally got to bring it home. I'm really excited about it.  It had to come to work with us yesterday, but we unloaded it last night and I went thru all the drawers.  I don't think I'm going to have to get anything for it really.  There are pins, needles, thread, bobbins, buttons, snaps, zippers, replacement needles for the machine, carpet and upholstery needles, you name it.  I even found the manual for it and two service receipts.  The last one shows it was serviced in '93 but I'll have to find out if it has been serviced since then before I use it I think.  I found a pin cushion in there that I think grandma made too.  It's a cute little pillow with a cross stitch camel on it.  I like it.  Oh and I found a small cross stitch hoop and some thread.  I think I'm set other than cleaning it up and making sure everything runs.  It's filthy. 

I'm actually really excited to use it and have three pairs of pants that need mending and three or four that need hemming and I have been reading blogs on how to tailor your own clothes and I think I might get brave and try to take in some of too big shirts.  I also have a box clear full of denim squares that I might actually do something with now. This all depends, of course, on if I'm any good at it and if I can get my mom or sister or mother-in-law or somebody that knows what they are doing over here to help me.   : )

The cat may be a problem tho, she was right in the middle of it while I was going thru the drawers and when I put it all away I must have left the pin cushion out.  A little while later I see the cat batting something around in the hall and having a blast and it turned out to be the cushion.  Darn cat, good thing she doesn't have claws lol.

So we bought a brand new bed about two years ago and have decided we really don't like it.  Funny thing, but we decided it's too soft for us.  Anyway, Andy has been complaining that it feels like he is sleeping in a hammock and I just thought it was how soft the bed is.  Tonight I stripped the bed to wash the sheets and took the mattress protector/pad thing off too and I look over at his side and sure enough, there's a dip in his side of the bed.  There's a sink hole that won't pop back out and when you feel it, it feels like there are no more springs there.  No wonder he has felt like he's sleeping in a hammock!  So I called RC Willey and found it to still be under warranty and they asked a lot of questions but then only told me that a "mattress inspector" would call me in a few days to set up an appointment to come out and have a look at it.  Blah, I hate stuff like that.  Anyway, I'm hoping they'll come out and say, "yup it's broke" and haul it away and let us pick another one hehe.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Wow, I have been a total slacker this week!  Well, I'll try to sum up, which I'm not good at.

Last Friday was a blast introducing my sister to the new addiction that is called sushi and then going ice skating with her and her family.  I didn't get to get around many times due to cramping feet and what not.  There was a hilarious moment tho when I decided I needed to be done and headed for the wall.  Stacie followed me over and then said she was going around again and just as she turned her back and made a push to go, your's truly went down!  I really don't even know how it happened or how I landed, all I know is I went down and into a spin and only stopped due to my head hitting the wall.  I quickly got up and then started laughing knowing Stacie missed seeing it LOL

As I got off the ice I realised my left hip hurt and the lower part of my right calf was stinging bad.  I pulled off my boots and noticed a small gash on my right leg.  I must have landed on the hip and slammed my left skate into my right leg before going into the back spin.  The leg bruised up nicely around the sore and I think it's infected a bit but it's more funny than painful.  All-in-all it was a fun night and I only wished I would have sucked up the foot cramps and went around a few more times.  Becca was a pro and took off walking in her skates like she's done it forever and even did really well on the ice after just a few times around. 

Saturday we went out to sushi again with Dan and Denise to the same place (hehe) and then went to a movie, Adjustment Bureau, which was awesome, and then back to our place for games.  We played Hand and Foot and rocked out to some music.  Way too much fun when Queens' Bohemian Rhapsody came on and all four of us started head bangin!

I started not feeling well Sunday and was hurting from Friday and ended up in a not so good mood by the end of the day.  Monday sucked, worked from home Tuesday with a headache, Andy and I argued, we both stayed home entirely on Wednesday totally stressed out and me still dealing with a headache and neither of us feeling very good.  Yesterday was okay.  Today I am doing my best to stay in a good mood even tho I woke up whiny and gripy about how I feel about my relationship with dad and the whole situation with the farm and being the youngest child and all, but I made myself get over it (although I'm still upset at ALWAYS being the last to know everything) and am so far succeeding in being in a good mood.

Denise had to go in for a procedure on Wednesday and they ended up keeping her over night and then she had a bad reaction to some of the pain meds and they had to keep her last night too.  We stopped in to say hi yesterday and take her a balloon and some slippers to help her feel better.  Man I am tired of visiting people in the hospital.  I sure hope she gets to go home today tho.

So overall, it was a very stressful, crappy week after a great weekend, but we got great news today.  Our taxes showed up and so after two years without one, we get to go dishwasher shopping this weekend!  Yay!  Unless of course we go to my dad's.  It's his birthday Sunday and he still needs help and I need him to make keys for our trunks and I feel like I'm running out of time.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rough Start

I have been hurting bad again and was feeling off all day Sunday and had a bad headache most of the day.  Yesterday I had a hard time staying awake thru the day and ended with a bad headache again and my eyes have been sticky and stinging for days.  I made an appointment for other reasons and have to go to the doctor today, I think I'll ask her about my allergies while I'm there.  I have been having a hard time sleeping the past few days as well, hard time getting to sleep and then tossing and turning most of the night.  it was really rough last night so it's been a rough start to the week and I don't want to go to the doctor after work.  I don't like going to see any doctor really.

Tomorrow we get our taxes done and he asked to see our past two years returns as well and I am kind of hoping that he can pull a miracle and find some mistake I made and get us a better return than what I came up with, but I'm not crossing my fingers on it, just hoping.

Friday I'll be going ice skating with my sister.  I'm looking forward to it but hope I can stay on my feet more than my rear and I hope I don't come away hurting.  I have spent too much time the past week hurting.  I ended up very sore just from sitting and painting ceramics for heaven's sake!  I'm so tired of it.  I want to be able to do what I want and not pay for it later.  Fibromyalgia sucks.  But I'll still go ice skating, I won't not do something fun just because I'll probably come home hurting, I hurt all the time anyway.

So far so good on the headache front today, hopefully it won't show up later in the day.  Anyway, break is done, so I better get back to work.


Fun Saturday

Saturday was a great day.  I got up early (well early for me on a Saturday) and spent some time on my laptop making sure I had all our tax information together so I could print it out at my mom's.  Our good printer is out of ink and our other printer is dumb and since Andy's friend Dallas is going to do our taxes for cheap even tho he owns a tax business, I need to have everything in order to get that done on Wednesday.  Once Andy got up we headed out and went to the store and then down to my mom's.  It was really fun to go down and make them breakfast.  They enjoyed us doing it too.  I got everything printed out and then was hoping to stay and visit for a while but we got a call from Andy's mom and she needed to have someone come up to the hospital to give her a break so we packed up and headed home.  Andy dropped me off at home and then took off and I logged into Wow with my druid while I waited for Denise to come get me for girl's night. 

Denise finally got there and we took off for a fun evening.  We went and picked up Beth and then stopped for food.  We had a great visit while we ate and then went to a place called Color Me Mine for the evening.  Color Me Mine is a ceramics place where you pick out the one you want and then sit down and paint it with their paints, however they are bisque paints instead of acrylic paints like I am used to.  I have used bisque paints before but I prefer the other.  Bisque paints go on one color and then get fired in the kiln again and come out another color and all shiny so you don't always know how your item will look while you are painting it despite having samples of what the final color looks like.  It was super fun tho and I chose a turtle to paint.  Lorie and Charlotte totally missed out on a fun night.  Denise and Beth and I shared chocolate pretzels and had a good time chatting while we painted.

Here is my cute turtle before.  I'll post pictures again once I get it back so you can see the finished item.  I thought of his little spots to cover a mistake and I have to say, they are a happy accident!  lol

Afterwords, we stopped at a Denny's and had a late meal again and stayed for a long while chatting still.  As we were sitting there, a few kids came in and looked like they were straight from the 80's, one kid looked like Fresh Prince and another even had a fanny pack on!  I started feeling old, as we were talking about the 80's fashions coming back but then more and more kids came in and joined their group all totally 80's and we decided that they had to have come from theme night at a club or something so we just sat there laughing.  Another group of kids came in, the late night Goth crowd, and sat on the other side of the room from them and then started making fun of the 80's group.  It was quite funny!

All in all, it was a great day.  Now to just wait till Thursday to get my turtle back.