Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Getting Old Sucks

My poor Chewy had a vet appointment today.  We had him in a month or so ago for a check up and were told that his cloudy eye (what I thought was a cataract) was actually an infection.  Well, when the drops were done, which didn't work all that well, his eye clouded right back over and then started draining and irritating him.  So we took him back today.  Turns out his infection is back, and worse than before and on top of that he now has a small ulcer in that eye and both eyes turned up low on the glaucoma test.  The vet said that this means that he most likely has an infection in both eyes inside the eye balls themselves.  She then proceeded to tell me that this is most likely caused by a systemic infection somewhere else in his body.  She refilled his pain meds, which have been helping a lot, and gave me an antibiotic to put in his right eye for five days and then he has to go back in.  At that point, if the ulcer is gone he'll go on another eye drop for the cornea infection and they'll have to do a blood panel on him to see what else is going on with him.  Vets are expensive.  I feel so bad for him and my wallet.  I just really hope it's nothing too serious, I got choked up just thinking about it after I got home.  Damn it sucks to get old.

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