Monday, November 29, 2010

What a Day

First off, it's Monday.  Second, I only got about 4 or so hours of sleep.  My own fault...well,'s Catching Fire's fault.  Ya that's a better blame :).  The Hunger Games books are awesome.  I got to work and had waaay too much to do due to the holiday and my not logging in on Friday, but that's okay, I got mostly caught up.  I ended up crying a bit in front of people when I told them how bad the weekend was and I don't like to do that.  My boss did let me have Wednesday off for the funeral, so that is good, but then I realized that is also my birthday.  I was wishing I could have my birthday off, but what a crappy reason to get it off.  I don't want to spend my day at a funeral, but on the other hand it is honoring a great man.  Today has been a downer day.  I got excited for a bit when I decided to look on KSL for a snow blower so Andy wouldn't have to shovel.  I talked to the guy and he said he had had a couple no shows and that I was the first to call since.  He then told me his address and said to be there about 7:00.  We both were excited about it now.  We got off work and went home for a bit, then went to an ATM and headed out.  When we got there, the guy's wife said they had just sold it and didn't her husband call us?  No, he didn't, cause he's a jerk!  I was pissed. What could we do tho?
We headed over to Lowes to at least see what the prices looked like on new ones and maybe get a super cheap one, but guess what?  They were sold out.  We bought some salt and a new shovel (old one is broke) and headed home.

Andy did the bare minimum and came in, I would have to.  What a rotten day.  I hate Mondays....

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