Thursday, December 2, 2010

A birthday and A Funeral

Yesterday was my birthday.  It was also the day picked for Wayne's funeral.  The day before I had gotten very depressed.  Depressed over losing Wayne and going to yet another funeral.  Depressed that a funeral was how I was to celebrate my birthday this year.  Depressed over stress and drama at work.  It was hard.  Andy then found out he had to go in yesterday morning for a mandatory meeting and then I was worried about getting down to where we needed to be on time.  We needed to be to my sister's by 10:00 since we were riding with her.  I slept in after Andy left and then got up and showered.  I got a couple phone calls wishing me happy birthday and that was nice.  Andy managed to make it home in time and we headed out.

I always enjoy spending time with my sister and her family and riding down with them was a good mood lifter.  Sometimes you just can't stay sad around my little niece, she is so adorable.  When we got down there we were immediately surrounded by family.  I love that.  I come from a very large family and as I've gotten older I've realized we are almost unique in that, even with so many people, so many lifestyles and personalities, we all have a strong sense of family and we all get along wonderfully.  My Aunt Karen and Uncle Allen surprised me and gave me the neatest little present, a little stone turtle with the back carved out and a tiny carved turtle inside it.  It was so wonderfully thoughtful of them.  They took care of me for the first six months or so of my life while my mom recovered from a stroke and I have been considered one of theirs ever since, I don't mind.  The morgue made Wayne up really well and he was dressed in a button shirt and jeans which was totally him.  He really looked like was just taking a nap.  The graveside service was nice and lots of people told memories and experiences with Wayne.  I realised that the podium was on top of my grandparents grave stone and found that odd.  I really miss my grandma, she was such a wonderful lady.  Andy pointed out that I had never taken him up there before and so that was the first time he had been introduced to her, I started crying all over again.  I say it a lot, but I really wish he could have met her.  I showed him my great grandparent's and my cousin's stones as well.  My cousin Debby pointed out that two cousins as well as Wayne all died November 24 different years.  Crazy.

We all went to Wayne's, now Danean's, house after for a luncheon and more visiting and it turned out really nice.  My mom gave me a very lovely card for my birthday once we got there.  I feel so bad that Danean has lost two brothers and her dad in the last two years and that it is all left on her shoulders.  I'm glad Wayne got everything taken care of for her before he left us tho.

It was great to be surrounded by family but I really think we all need to plan a day and all get together for some other occasion that is not a funeral or the reunion.  Over-all tho it was a good day, despite the circumstances.  Later in the evening Andy took me to dinner and we had an enjoyable meal together.  I think I heard from almost everyone either in person, by a phone call, or by facebook and that helped in lifting my spirits.

I went to bed way too late and am paying for it today.

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