Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Earning Looks at the Sev

So on the way home from visiting Mitch in the hospital last night, we were both decidedly thirsty and decided to stop at the Sev and pick up some water bottles.  Andy stayed in the car and I went in.  I cannot for the life of me remember what song was playing and it's driving me nuts!  It was catchy and one I know all the words to and one that I enjoy.  I started singing to it without really even realizing it.  That is, until I got to the register.  The cashier looked at me funny.  I turned around and there was a cop or two behind me, looking at me funny.  I thought it was funny.  I did a little dance to the music as I left and Andy giggled at me from the car.  LOL

We put our new computers together tonight and got everything installed and up and running.  I love it!!!  Downloading WoW as we speak and hopefully it will be done by morning so we can get the patches started downloading before we head to work.  Love the new PC!

Oh and by the way, some storm, I would hardly call it a blizzard...but it did put down a lot of snow. :)

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