Friday, February 25, 2011

Up-coming Weekend

The weekend is here and It's beautiful outside and it makes me want to be anywhere but here, but thank goodness it's Friday and I'm in a good mood!  I'm looking forward to going to my mom's tomorrow and going out with the girl's tomorrow evening. 

I found a new xbox game to play, Alan Wake, and I think I'll be playing more of that tonight probably.  It's a super creepy, running through the forest with only a flashlight and having poltergeists jump out and attack you and throw huge things at you, type of game.  One you don't want to play in the dark.  Or alone.  I love it!  I'll probably get a few dungeon runs in on WoW as well, well, because I'm an addict lol

The only other plans for the weekend is to maybe try and get some cleaning done on Sunday.  Oh, and I need to squeeze in some time to go pick up my sewing machine from my sister's too.

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