Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Well Hello There Mr Winter

I live in a cubicle eight hours a day with my back to the windows and I have to crane my neck and body or flat out get up to see out.  I have been very busy with end of month stuff and kept my nose to the computer all day.  I got a call from my Huz who was home with a very sore back and realized I hadn't looked out once since lunch.  It was really windy this morning on the way to work and even more windy when I walked over to the other building to pick up a monster baked potato for lunch (which was awesomely wonderful), but the skies were clear.

Andy called to tell me to be careful driving home. Huh?  Then I got up and looked outside.  When did the weather decide to remind us that it is in fact still winter?  This season has been the most mild winter I've ever seen I think.  Only two times I can think of that snow actually stuck for more than a day, but not much longer, and that was only a couple of a handful of times it decided to snow at all.  Brown grass and trees and it hasn't even ever gotten all that cold.  Until today.
This is the view coming out of the parking garage
Visibility sucked
This knucklehead was dancing and waiving at everyone
(Don't worry, I was stopped)

My view when I stopped for dinner (going to be a lazy night)
Our backyard
I got home and promptly put on my jammies and crawled under a blanket next to my huney.  As of right now, it's still coming down out there.

Dog legs

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