Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I know, I know, another boring tank post.  *big grin*  It's my current obsession what can I say?

I've added new plants and rearranged and finally added some fish!  I'm having a brown algae/diatom problem at the moment but it should go away once the tank settles some more, it's due to its being a new tank or so I've read.

I'm liking how it's shaping up tho.  Our new fish are fun to watch and are starting to show some fun personalities as well.  I bought an albino bristlenose pleco who is all over the tank and doing a bang up job of cleaning off the plants and making them look pretty again.  S/he is very active and not at all shy like most plecos.  S/he is also really cute!

Here it is on our big amazon sword plant.  It's only an inch and half or so long right now, but should double that as an adult.  I like this species because they don't get as big as other species that can reach 10 or 12 inches or more.

Here's a little video I took the day after we added everyone. (please note, I didn't realize I was recording sound.  Also note, I was just getting over a cold, I'm not normally a mouth breather lol)

Some of you may have seen this next video already but I have to post it again.  This shrimp did this ALL day long.  Round and round only stopped for a sec here and there.  He hasn't been doing it since thank goodness, I thought he'd lost it.

The red cherry shrimp and the fish you see swimming are all under an inch long, some are just under but some are around a half an inch.  Just babies.  I have to wait for them all to get to their adult size of just over an inch before I can go buy the bigger fish I want so they won't get eaten.  The shrimp and the pleco will help keep things clean.  I'm starting to get green stuff on the glass tho so I need to go buy one more set of fish for my cleanup crew called otos.  They are small sucker catfish that will keep the walls clean while the shrimp and pleco will keep everything else clean.  The idea is to not have to clean a whole lot myself.  Hopefully I'll end up only having to do light gravel vacuuming and water changes and that's it.

The small fish you see in the video are called celestial pearl danios and they will be really pretty once the mature and get their full color.  I couldn't get any decent pics of them cause they are crazy and don't realize they need to sit still for the camera lol.  Here's a google image of some tho.

The next fish I buy, besides the otos, will be lemon tetras since they are also kind of small, but I'm finding most stores don't know what they are or don't have them in stock.  The one store I found that had them wouldn't sell me any because they were all acting funny.  They looked fine, but all but one would not run from the net or fight getting caught.  This is not normal behavior so the gal wouldn't sell them.  I thought that was pretty cool tho.  She took my name and will call me when they get more in.

Here is a current picture of my tank.  I added some plants and some moss to the wood and swapped out the big log for another piece of driftwood we had.  I may have to put the log back tho simply because it won't fit in the 10 gallon tank I have that I also want to get set up.  I didn't think that thru before swapping it out.  I may just go buy another small piece however.  It'll be a bit before I get the 10 up and running anyway.

You can see some of the brown icky stuff in the left side of the tank at the bottom.

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