Thursday, December 9, 2010

What would like in your bowl of life today?

You have several lovely options, stress mixed in, stress on the side, stress Ale Carte, or just stress all around?

You know the old saying, "The straw that broke the camel's back."?  Ya, well my camel can no longer be seen under the stack.  Work, work , and more work. Mandatory overtime kinda work.  Now I know there are people out there that work tens and twelves and put in massive amounts of overtime every week, but I'm just not one of these people.  I work my 40 and that's that.  I like it that way.  I sometimes think I wouldn't mind four tens instead of five eights, but I have been told that that will never happen so, whatever.  But we are now in the throws of our busy season and work is piling up and fast.  I don't like overtime until I see the check.  I'm tired!  I don't get enough sleep as it is and now I am finding it hard to go to bed at a decent hour because I keep wanting the same amount of time at home every night that I am used to.  I know, it's dumb, but I sit down and start doing things that I normally have plenty of time to do and the next thing I know it's midnight or one and I'm screwed.  So lack of sleep plus pressure and stress are not making for happy days.   Also, Andy does not have enough work yet for overtime and we only have one car so that has created a difficulty as well.  I thought I would be able to just simply do all my overtime from home, but someone had a cow over that and so I have to put in a set number of extra hours at the office.  Denise has been wonderful and has been giving Andy a ride home tho and so that part actually worked out.  Thank you Denise! 

The check will be worth it.  The check will be worth it. The check will be worth it.

Mitchell had yet another seizure (two total) and was then put on anti-seizure meds.  They finally decided that the chemo meds are causing them.  Well, the anti-seizure meds are affecting his brain.  He is more irritable and ornery than he has been and then he got irrational.  He started making threats towards others and himself and had to be taken back to the hospital.  They gave him some stuff to calm him down, kept him overnight, and then sent him home.  We are all on edge and stressed, and very worried about the whole situation.  I wish I could take it all away.  Everyone also has very short fuses and arguments are getting more common.  It sucks.

So I was doing really, really well with my eating habits and was losing weight and everything, I was very proud of myself even tho it was going slow.  Well....I keep catching myself stress eating.  Everything.  If it's in front of me or within my reach, I want it.  I went to bed last night with severe heartburn, worse than I have had in a while, and it didn't phase me.  I can't stop.  It sucks.  I am now scared about weighing myself again too.  Hopefully I can get back to it after the holidays.  Ah crap!  The holidays!.....oh well, it's no time of year to be worrying about a diet....right?.....right?  *sigh*

I am a World of Warcraft player.  Horde player, of course. For The Horde!  I am addicted.  I love the game.  They released the new expansion this week!  Yay!  Wait....I'm on overtime.....GAH! this sucks.  I have managed to get two levels tho....*yawn* I said, I'm addicted.  Mount Hyjal is awesome and I am liking how lore rich the new content is even tho I usually don't pay too much attention to lore.  My husband and I are leveling two toons together and we finished Hyjal last night.  Can't wait to get to the rest of the new stuff and I love that we can fly in the old world now, and Org looks awesome! I don't think I'm going to get any play time in tonight tho, considering how tired I am, how late I got home, and the fact that I am sitting here blogging instead....ahem....good thing Andy has other toons he wants to level as well....

Anyway, sorry for the geek out moment....back to stuff the rest of you can understand and know what I'm talking about.

So how can two people, just two of us, no kids, get our house so messy so fast?  Anyone want to come help clean?  It's mostly clutter, promise? Ya, didn't think so.  Oh well.  I need to get on the ball with it all tho and get the house picked up.  I want to get a real Christmas Tree this year and need to make a spot for it and we are hosting a party and I need the place clean for that.  I'll have to fit it in with everything else somehow.  Wish it would magically clean itself.  Oh and I need to get the dog to the groomer on Saturday.

Guess I should stop rambling and be done.

Oh I have to tell you something funny, last night as I was getting ready for bed I was going thru my normal routine and wasn't really thinking about anything I was doing until I hear the chuckle from across the bed.  I stop and quickly think about what I could have done to cause my husband to giggle at me.  Plenty apparently.  I have bad allergies so I was making all kinds of horrid noises trying to clear out my nose and sinuses and I'm hurting so I'm sure quite a few grunts escaped me as I was adjusting and trying to get comfortable and then after all that, I farted.  Ya, I guess I can't blame him.  I shrugged, burped, rolled over and went to sleep. LOL

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