Tuesday, September 14, 2010


This morning I was on the radio!  B98.7  They had an animal behavior specialist on and I asked a question about it on their face book page and Todd called me this morning and put me on air.  I asked the Lady how to help a dog thru the loss of another dog.  She said to get her into a new training routine, change up her routine, and introduce new toys and games.  I think I need to start taking Lily for walks again as I have been too lazy to do so and I think I'll take her to petsmart and get her a new toy or two.

Now on to other matters.  Gladys introduced me to this wonderful blog, and I so want to do a wood project now.  I really wish I had some good tools and machines and a place to put them, but alas if we ever get around to doing what I want to do we'll have to go to my dad's to do most of it.  He would probably enjoy the company and the work tho.  Although if I just had a table saw or band saw and a drill press, I could do with what I have and be happy.

Anyway, I am sick of just having a mattress on a hollywood frame and nothing else.  Andy has been wanting to find a project for us to do together as well and I found the perfect thing that solves both problems.  The blog is www.ana-white.com  and I so want to make her farmbed!  I think it's the most wonderful looking bed ever!  I love it!  I think it is beautiful and functional and very adaptable and cheaper and better made than any basic bed frame you can just go pick up anywhere and we can make it to our specific needs and make it together.  We also have a pallet sitting in the backyard from the prior owners and I so want to drag it out and do this with it.  I also really really want make this but maybe without the hutch part.

This lady has plans for everything you could think of and easy instructions anyone could follow.  It's awesome.

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