Sunday, August 15, 2010


Been a bad week and the weekend wasn't any better really.  I hurt from fibro all week, I have had a cold all week, and I skipped my period for the camp out.  Now, this is a privilege both of being on birth control and getting a 90 day supply at a time and it may sound nice, but it really isn't.  At least not for me.  Skipping eliminates most of the pms and the actual gross stuf, but I still get to go thru all the other stuff, Yay me.  I get body aches, on top of what is already there, I have no energy, I want to eat everything in sight and I still get bloated.  I regret it every time, but it's been a long while so I guess I forgot.  Anyway, so you put all those three things together add, in some depression, and boom you get a shitty week.  I can work from home thank goodness, so I did the last three days of the week just to keep my misery to myself.  I was actually going to go in on Friday but ended up with a nasty bloody nose as we were getting ready that lasted forever and so I stayed home again in order to not clock in late, but later was glad I did cause I ended up being emotional later in the day.

Andy and I had a nice date on Friday, went to see a movie and out to dinner.  But yesterday was a "I'm depressed and still feel like crap from this stupid cold and I'm not doing anything or going anywhere" day.  I pretty much just watched movies on netflix all day.  Today I am half-assing the laundry again and decided to finally do the budget.  Big mistake.  Now I'm really depressed.

Andy and I had a small argument over finances and how to possibly improve the situation, but now I just want to go crawl in a hole somewhere and bawl myself to sleep.  We both make decent money and we have no "bad" debt, but we just can't get ahead, only behind.  More and more behind.

Sorry to go on a rant, and I'm sure ya'll didn't need to know all that, but....well...whatever.

1 comment:

Denise said...

It will be alright Stef. It will. Promise.