Sunday, January 15, 2012

Time Wasters

I have several ads in the classifieds right now trying to raise some money.  We got a lot of it sold, but there are a few items that people have called on, called back to confirm the address and said they'd be there in just a few and then not show up.  It really pisses me off.  One, I get my hopes up that one more thing would be gone, then I sat here waiting for them, and now I sit here wondering who the hell I just gave my address to.  It messes with your head.  I hate time wasters.

On another note, the hunney has decided now tho, that he might not get a tortoise with his half of the money.  He just can't make up his mind.  Silly boy.  I, however, am still set on getting my fish tank up and running although he can't decide if he's gonna help with/give input in on it or not.  He got excited about it, then got upset about it because I misunderstood what he was wanting to do with it, and now he can't decide if he wants to give input or not.  I am not just throwing this together, I want to make it pretty as well as functional.  I want it to be it's own little eco system so I only have to do minimal upkeep on it.  This means spending a bit more and waiting a bit longer to do it, but it will be worth it if I do it right.

I ordered a special substrate that is made specifically for planted aquariums called eco-complete.  It's already infused with fertilizers and enzymes and good bacteria and comes already rinsed and wet (the bags are thick and have water in them).  It finally came yesterday. Yay.
We also water tested the tank yesterday since I had to reseal the corners and thankfully I did it right and there were no leaks.  Because it's freezing outside, we had to do it in the kitchen, but it actually worked out pretty well.
Draining, only had to use a bucket for the last 10 gallons or so.
We have D&D tomorrow, but I'm hoping to go pick up the last few items I need on Tuesday and then I can fill this darn thing for good.  I now have the money for it. lol

We've been bums this weekend and have mostly just been watching movies, it's been great.  Andy just started another one, so I better be done.

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