Friday, April 6, 2012

So Frustrating

Of all the apartments we have lived in, we have accidentally left the car unlocked on occasion with no incidents.  Until we bought a house.  Last year, or maybe the year before I guess, I left the car unlocked by accident.  Unfortunately, Andy left his wallet insert and his keys in there.  They were gone in the morning and the car was strewn with papers from the glove box and an apple was left on the seat with a bite out of it.  The cops were no help. We bought a club for the car and replaced all the locks on the house and put security on Andy's credit.

I have become obsessed with locking the car, even to the point of annoying the crap out of my Huz.  He usually has the keys, and we haven't bothered yet to get another set.  Anyway, the other night Andy realized he had left his phone in car and went out and got it (so happy he did, although if he hadn't, the car would have still been locked).  He apparently forgot to re-lock the car after getting it.  Yesterday morning there were papers all over the car again and the passenger door was left slightly open.  At first all we thought was taken was a charge cable and a cigaret lighter adapter for it.  They left our dice bags and a couple other things that I thought was strange.  The cable and adapter are cheap and easily replaced, no big deal.

Until I sat down at my computer last night and spotted my ipod cable.  GAH!  MY IPOD!!!  I usually keep it in my purse, but I was going to take it down and trade it to my cousin for a more up-to-date ipod and I put it in the glove box so I wouldn't forget it.  Well, I decided not to trade it after all, but failed to put it back in my purse.  It's gone.  It was in a neat little case too.  I hadn't used it in months because I only used it for audio books at work and haven't been able to listen to books at work with my new duties, but I am still upset at my stupidity.  We never leave valuables in the car.  Not since that first break in anyway.  I don't know why I never put it back in my purse.

This is the third violation of our cars.  A few things have vanished from the carport as well (wish we had a real garage).  Nothing is safe if it is outdoors, even with the carport being fully lit all night long.

Oh well I guess.  One more reason to really dislike where we live.  I really wish we could sell and move.  Sigh.

EDIT: Okay it just feels like someone has gone thru our car the only two times we've left it unlocked.  It has been left open two or three times that I am aware of at the house and not been touched.  I still don't trust this area at night.

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