Friday, April 30, 2010


I missed work on Tuesday due to a nasty muscle strain in my upper right torso front and back and in order to keep my pto and still go to Montana in two weeks, I have to work tomorrow.  It kinda takes all the unph and fun out of Friday knowing you have to work Saturday when you're not used to it.  Also, got a nasty surprise by the satalite bill being almost $25 more than it should have been.  Hopefully Andy will get that fixed and we'll get a credit on our next bill, but that doesn't help us on this one.  I hate billing issues.  On top of these things, the weather is still crappy so we can't get any yard work done again this weekend.  This wouldn't be bad if we didn't have a borrowed trailor and chipper to help with the work that has to go back soon.  We'll have to hope for good weather next week and get it done during the week.  I'm having a really hard time keeping a good attitude today.  Oh well, such is life.  It is what it is and you gotta make the best of it right?

On a good note, we managed to bring breakfast and lunch with us for the 4th day in a row.  Go us!

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