Monday, May 2, 2011

Well I totally fail at trying to go gluten free.  I love bread way too much.  I have however, been trying to pay attention to how I feel after eating bread products.  I don't hurt any worse than usual and I don't feel any more tired than usual.  And because I usually don't eat a lot of bread in any one sitting, I'm gonna go with the conclusion that gluten doesn't affect me any more negatively than it does anyone else.  Too much bread stuffs will make anyone tired.  I did however have a gluten free cookie today that was made with potato flour and totally paid for it by having heart burn all day, and that is why I must not have sugary stuffs.

I have been campaigning against our backyard using chemical warfare.  The weeds are losing!  The weeds in front have been neglected however, so it's their turn next!  Mwahahaha!  I will, WILL, have healthy, pretty grass out back this year.  I want nothing more than to be able to walk barefoot in my own backyard and have my niece be able to play back there when she comes over.  I also want to have a lawn party.  They're fun.   I will be buying grass seed this coming weekend and hoping for the best.  Next will be some big lovely shade trees.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Good luck against the evil weeds.