Not much is happening in our lives right now and for the most part I've been bored. We had a lot of fun Saturday evening with my cousin and her family and my sister and her family. We chatted and caught up and played games and had pizza. It was great. But it didn't last long enough.
What I'm needing I guess is to get the basement back in order and we need to have a proper, tons of people, all night game night. That would be a blast. I also need to empty the living room upstairs and actually use our new carpet cleaner. Who buys a new carpet cleaner, is super excited for it to get here and then doesn't use it, even a month or so later? Me I guess. I need to get my act together, especially knowing it won't get smelly again. I think it's that we are always busy on the weekends and that's when I want to do the carpet. The one weekend we've really had free I was too depressed to do much of anything. I need to just do it, weekend or not.
And Lily has been acting weird. If you throw a toy, she's excited about it for a bit and then takes it and puts it in her kennel or totally loses interest. We've also noticed that she wants to be outside more and then she just stands there on the deck looking around. She isn't even barking much at people going by. We can't decide if she's depressed or not. We also can't decide if she keeps wanting to go out because the backyard is the last place she herself saw Chewy or she just wants to be out there for once. We also can't decide if the lack of barking is depression or her no longer feeling the need to protect because Chewy is no longer out there with her and we don't usually go out with her. I guess I need to go sit out on the deck and see if she barks more to test out that theory. I think she's down a bit but so am I so I might be projecting.
I'm actually starting to dread getting his ashes back. I'm trying to let go and move on and I just keep thinking that it's going to bring the pain straight back when the vet calls me to come pick them up.
I'm sorry Stef. It will be ok. Promise. And we only used our carpet cleaner because Ben put it together and did the carpet in the spare room. Sigh, I was stoked to buy mine too. Love you!
we DEFINITELY need a good, roudy, game night. It would be good for all of us.
Did I tell you I keep having dreams about him? The other night I had one that I couldn't find him and couldn't find him, I was getting frantic and scared and then half way woke up and remembered. It sucks.
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