Friday, September 17, 2010


This week over all has just sucked balls.  Monday was a very rough awful day at work, Tuesday was okay, Wednesday started out okay and then went down hill fast.  We had a team meeting in the morning where my boss introduced a "team building" activity which in my opinion is about as far away from team building as you can go.  It's just more work and I don't have time for it and I believe it's an attempt to hide something else entirely, and it has me worried.  Then the vet called.  Time to go get Chewy's remains.  I like the disk they did with his paw print. I had also been having bad dizzy spells all day.  Tuesday I woke up with a nasty headache and worked from home and was still having vertigo.  Andy made me make a doctor's appointment and I have a viral ear infection.  Yay me, the doc gave me no drugs to help other than motion sickness pills.  I get to live with the pain and dizziness.  Oh joy.  Today I woke up no better off, head and ears still pounding and the world still spinning and called in sick.  Slept most of the day.  I did manage to get the pork roast we bought in the crock pot but that was it and I only did that because it had been in the fridge for a few days and I didn't want it to go bad.  It's Beth's birthday today and I am not able to go to her party, and then found out that Lorie isn't either.  Charlotte isn't because she has been in the hospital. I feel bad that probably only April and Denise will be there for her.  My sister reminded me that a hot towel compress works great on ear infections.  Too bad I didn't talk to her a day or two ago, I might have been able to work today.  I wet a dish towel and zapped it in the microwave and put it across the back of my neck and pressed it behind my ears.  Did this twice and now I'm draining like crazy.  Andy also made a spicy sauce to go over the pork roast.  He pulled it all apart and mixed in the sauce.  This cleared my sinuses.  Now I feel a bit better.  Maybe we'll be able to still go to the state fair tomorrow with Jason and Elizabeth.  I sure hope so.  I don't want my entire weekend ruined by this.  I hate ear infections.  Next week has got to be better.

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