Friday, May 28, 2010


I was out in the back yard a couple of days ago after dark and a robin started yelling at me from the tree by the shed.  I found it odd that it was yelling at me after dark and I thought, "I bet we have a nest."  I forgot about until we got home from work today.

We got home and let the dogs out and I decided to step out on the deck and enjoy the stormy weather, I love the weather of spring storms, and I looked over at the tree and remembered.  I walked over to it, didn't see any robins, didn't get yelled at and so I figured maybe it was just mad at me for disturbing it and nothing more.  But then I went around to the other side.

And lookie! a nest right at eye level.

I got a bit closer but it looked like it was empty.  
I looked around and there was still no mama bird anywhere.

I decided I was safe to go in a bit closer.
I lifted up my camera and look, two beautiful bright blue eggs!

Right after that, mom showed up.  She wasn't too freaked out by me in the daylight,
she seemed more worried about the dogs.

I got Andy to come out and see and then backed off
and she settled in.

I'm so excited to have a nest right where I can keep an eye on it and watch.  It's awesome.  We were planning to cut this tree and the big bush under it out, the city already cut half of it away that was on the other side, but now I think we'll leave it be. If they feel it's safe, robins will come back to the same nest for several years.

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