Having a 16 year old geriatric dog has started to be a challenge. I've had him since he was five weeks old (I know, way to young, but so was I and I didn't know better) and it's really hard to watch him get old and decrepit. Anyway, we have been leaving him in the bathroom with a baby gate up at night and when we leave the house to ease clean up of any accidents that may occur, which haven't been many so far. Thank goodness we do this, though. Chewy had a massive accident in the night. When we woke up I headed for the bathroom only to find a huge puddle, poop and dirty paw prints everywhere! Great. He had slipped in it and gotten it all over his belly too, but I didn't get to find that out until I picked him up to take him outside. Oh the joy. Ew.
I had ten minutes to throw out his bedding (decided it wasn't worth cleaning), mop and clean the bathroom, give the dog a bath, and get me showered or we would be late to work. We ended up being over an hour late. I think Chewy didn't make it all the way down the stairs and therefore didn't actually go potty when we let him out before bed. I usually watch to make sure, but was so tired I didn't. I also gave him broth with his dinner. I think I won't do that again. Live and learn right? UGH! Literally, what a crappy morning!
At least I got a really good breakfast. Andy made french toast from a loaf of crusty bread we had bought and covered it in left over cinnamon butter from Texas Road House while I cleaned up. It was delicious. I know, breakfast after all that? What can I say, I was starving.
Hope the rest of the day is better.
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