Friday, July 12, 2013

Interests and Hobbies

I seem to have developed an ability to make all my interests and hobbies contagious, and I love it! Mwahahaha.

I spent 25 years, give or take, being all alone in my love of Doctor Who, now my husband and most of our closest friends totally love it too because of me!  I've even gotten a few people at work to watch it.

I rekindled my love of aquariums a couple years ago and now two friends have purchased tanks because of my enthusiasm!  They are now addicted and have multiple tanks too.

I fell in love with tea and now a friend is also as much in love with it due to my sharing a pot or two of my high quality gourmet tea with her.

Two or three weeks ago, I started working on my cross stitch again, one that I have been working on for....oh....ahem....six or seven years (but I'm almost done with it now!)....and now guess what?  The Huz bought a kit of his own to work on and a friend wants to work on hers again.  Last time I was working on this project, my talking about it got a different friend to work on hers again too and her husband also decided to try it out at the time.  I need to ask if he ever finished or liked it....


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