Saturday, September 24, 2011


The last two weeks have brought all kinds of changes.  My team at work got split and merged and I am now part of a three person team starting on a brand new project and the rest of my teammates got merged and put under the other supervisor.  Other than feeling elated at getting chosen, I am still not sure how to feel about it all.

After a several year debate, my husband has finally decided he really is Athiest.  Everyone keeps asking how I feel about it.  Religion has never been a big deal to me and all I truely care about is that he is happy, comfortable, and content with his decision and that we still love each other as much as ever.

We then decided to get a new tv.  Our old tv is starting to have speaker issues and is starting to go green and its smaller tha we want and we have been in debate about a new one for a while.  We finally decided to just go ahead and do it.  Well, we went a lot bigger than planned and got a Ps3 to go with it, mostly for the blue ray player, but it's awesome and beautiful. 

Today, to make it easy to put our old tv in a watchableplace and because I have been wanting to for a long time, I spent nearly five hours cleaning, going thru things and rearanging the bedroom.  I love it!  It feels so much better and its great to have a tv in there again.  I've missed it.

I have also decided I don't have as big an issue with gluten as I thought and that its a wheat issue, not gluten.  If I do eat something I shouldn't, I get the runs but nothing else.  Not even stomach cramps.  I think the effecs I've had in the past month have been coincidences.  Everytime I have tested myself and have had bread products, a storm has been going on or I have been having girl issues or I over did it physically, but not last weekend.  I felt nothing but IBS.  I have to decided to still keep it to a minimum, but I'm not gonna worry about everything.

Changes, changes, and more changes.

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