Has been bleh. I got a cold, then a sinus infection, then a really really nasty bilateral ear infection then got thrush from the strong antibiotics killing off everything in my system. Let me tell you how fun that was! I had no idea, no clue that thrush could be so incredibly awful. The pain in my mouth was so extreme at times that I couldn't open my mouth or swallow. The stuff the doc gave me wasn't working either. A friend recommended swigging grapefruit juice. I hate the stuff but I actually started getting some relief after that. The stuff my doc gave me was topical and we were at Andy's mom's house and I was telling her it wasn't working and she handed me this bottle of pills that had been given to Andy's brother when he had thrush (shhh don't tell) and within two days of taking those I felt so much better it was amazing. It also made me realize that the thrush had gotten in my inner ears because they started itching like crazy and draining like mad. I'm so grateful for those pills, the topical stuff would have never gotten the stuff out of my ears.
So I have spent the entire month sick and it has not been fun and the house is a mess but I have been slowly catching up on house work with Andy's help and the scouts stopped by and mowed the lawn once and a friend of a friend mowed it another time so that's been good, and I am finally feeling better and that is what matters most.
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