This machine is really old, I'm guessing it's at least 40 but maybe 50 judging by the end of the plug.
It's a Japanese Super Automatic Sewmor Zig-Zag machine and the manual (Thank goodness my grandma kept that) was translated poorly and some of the sentences don't make much sense but are super funny. This is the front page:
If it won't let you enlarge it, my two favorite things are Congratulation with no "s" and "Give your machine proper care and it will provide many years of trouble-some service." Cracks me up! I have a trouble maker on my hands!
This machine had to be the end all of it's day too. It has more knobs and levers than I think I have ever seen on a sewing machine. Course my exposure is limited. I think we would have been totally lost without the manual the other night, we had to refer to it a lot. I am not sure, but I don't think it hasn't been ran since probably 96 or 97 but it runs really well considering. The motor seems to not have enough power to keep it moving when you want to go slow, but it's really not that bad, and runs great at faster speeds. I think the motor itself is a bit gummed up from lack of use. I opened up the casing (not the motor) to give it a bit of oil and everything inside looks almost new! I'm very happy my dad let me have it. Now to go get some new thread spools in colors that match things we wear and some heavier thread for jeans and get some more repairs and hemming done! I'm excited, but Andy says it's only because it's something new to play with haha.
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