Sunday, October 17, 2010


It's been an okay week.  Monday we got our flu shots at work, Tuesday we had our department's yearly retreat and Andy and I are lucky enough to not only work for the same company but to also work in the same department so we get to go to the retreat together.  We went to the new Boondocks this year.  It was tons of Fun.  We bowled two rounds when we first got there, but they chose our teams for us which I wasn't too happy about, but it was still fun.  I got a 77 the first round and was up to 71 the second when they cut us off.  We were on a time limit and didn't get to finish the second round.  We then moved on to laser tag, which I love!  Andy and I were on the same team (I was hoping to be opposite so I could take him down LOL) and we were told to play defensive on the first round.  I came in almost last on the score board and our team lost.  They sent us in again and Andy and I played offensive this time.  I found a lovely little corner that no one noticed at first where I could just pound their base.  Once they discovered the corner, I used Andy as a meat shield and still pounded the base.  What kind of wife does that make me?  LOL  Any way, I was the point leader that round and our team won!  Sweet!  I stepped in for a coworker on the third round and went in again.  Did I tell you I LOVE laser tag?  My gun this round was defective though and would only tag players and would not tag the base for some reason, it was so frustrating.  We played the arcades the rest of the afternoon and then had to head back to work for a bit before going home.  Wednesday I found another trunk to go buy and did so, Thursday was a typical day.  Friday we had a date night and it was wonderful!  we went to sushi again at a place called Takashi which was really good and then went to see Secretariat which was also good.  Saturday we had a lazy morning and then headed out late to go to lunch and another movie.  We saw Red this time which was a great movie, so funny!  I love action comedies.  We then went to Lowes and got our supplies to really get going on our trunks and then to my sister's church to help watch Becca for the scout fund raiser.  It wasn't as fun as it usually is this year, but the chili cook off was tasty.  We went to Stacie and Kenton's after to pick up their electric sander and headed home.  Today I woke up stuffy and sick again, but I did get the laundry going and the house picked up if not cleaned.  Now I am listening to the boys watch football in the other room.  I don't care for football.  I was hoping to get started on the small trunk today, but since Andy wants to help and he is watching the game, I can't.  Oh well, there is always tomorrow. 

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