Thursday, August 26, 2010

Good and not-so-good news

So living without TV is actually starting to be nice.  I love not having to pay for it.  But it's not like we are completely devoid of TV, we still watch from and the network sites themselves and then clips on youtube, but it's nice not feeling obligated to watch because of how much we were paying.  I am also starting to be more motivated to clean, which is something I haven't been motivated for for a while.  I entered to win $100 gift cert for a cleaning service.  Hope I win so I can have someone else do the deep cleaning stuff. LOL

And Guess what?  Andy got a raise! Best news we've had in quite some time!  His boss also had a good long talk with him and his job future is looking pretty good.  We're both pretty excited about it.  It's nice to finally have good news come our way.

On a sad note tho, my brother-in-law for sure has cancer and will be having surgery tomorrow morning to remove it.  He doesn't have to go thru chemo thank goodness, but he does have to have part of his skull removed.  He is at the hospital today going thru some more tests making sure that that is the only spot he has it and, I'm sure, going over what's going to be done tomorrow.  Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.


Denise said...

Yay for Raise. Good for cleaning. Boo for Mitch. I hope everything goes well and I will keep my fingers crossed for him.

Elizabeth said...

That is great about Andy's raise and his job. I am sorry about your brother-in-law. I hope he gets well soon.