Back to work and back to the grind. I went to bed feeling icky and I woke up this morning feeling horribly dizzy and it lasted most of the morning. Now it is evening and I am draining and have a sore and swollen throat. Not again, not now! I can't afford this! I would like to go more than a month with out being sick thankyouverymuch!
My boss let us all know this morning that we need to do 40 hours this week too so it will be another week of late nights so I don't have to work on Friday. We are hosting a party on Friday and I can't afford to work that day. Andy, the sweetheart, has said he will do most of the cleaning during the week so we only have to do little things on Friday. That will be nice. However, this week like last, is a holiday week so I don't actually get paid overtime for my extra hours because technically they aren't extra unless its over 40, but I do bank the holiday time, so between last week and this and my normal vacation time accrued per paycheck, I will finally have over a week of time banked. Now hopefully this stupid cold will be mild so I don't have to use any of that right now. I want it for an actual vacation for once dangit! I hate having to use all my PTO for being sick, it sucks. I came home and slept the evening away instead of getting anything done and am now heading to bed, hopefully being rested will help me in the morning.
Anyway, so real life slammed back in place like a runaway truck hitting a wall. Thank goodness we are almost done with all this work and can hopefully not do any over time next week and be back to our normal schedules the following week. Now wouldn't that be wonderful? At least my dreams aren't dead. :)
My apologies for my whininess.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Andy and I have been running behind this season, we didn't get anything wrapped until Christmas Eve and Andy even went out and did some last minute shopping Christmas Eve. I let him open his knives which he loves! I have to say they are wonderful. I'm a bit intimidated by them and insisted we keep one set of the old ones, but I let him throw out the one set we both hated. He enjoyed that. I did cut up an onion with one of the new knives and it was amazing, it was almost like the onion wasn't there. We may throw out that other set sooner than later. We packed up all our stuff and all the presents, let the very excited little dog out and headed over to my sister's running a little late. Lily was so funny! She started whining relentlessly and pacing in the back seat as soon as we got off the freeway and she could hardly contain herself by the time we turned onto their street! As soon as we let her out she ran to the door and announced our arrival. She loves going over there!
I love that our family gets together for Christmas Eve. We put together a big meal and we all sit down and enjoy it together and eat far too much, it's wonderful! I love how well out family gets along too. We are a step family that joined together like it was always that way. After dinner we held a birthday party for Becca, can't believe she's three! and then the kids and adults not spending the night opened their gifts. After everyone left and the rug rat was asleep, we cleaned up and my mom, my sister and Andy and I sat down to play games. It was tons of fun, I haven't played games with my mom in a while, it was great. While we played my dad listened to music and watched a movie and Kenton put together Santa presents. After my mom and dad went to bed, Stacie, Andy and I stayed up a while longer and played Boggle. I love that game and it has been a favorite of mine and my sister's and we have gotten Andy hooked too. Stacie and I have never fully played by the rules with Boggle and when Andy first started playing it with us, he insisted we play by the rules. We have finally broken him of that and convinced him that our way is much more fun. If you want to know details, well you'll just have to play it with us one day.
Andy and I slept on a couch mattress on the floor and decided that that was not a good idea after sitting in folding chairs for as long as we did playing games, neither of us slept well. Not that we slept long, by 6:00 I was awake and excited hehe. Stacie and Kenton were awake a short while later and then mom and dad heard us and got up too. Kenton had to go in and wake up the only actual kid in the house, how funny is that? Becca grumbled about getting up until daddy told her Santa had been here, then she was excited and we all sat down to watch her play with her new stuff and open all our presents. It was wonderful. One of Andy's favorite movies is A Christmas Story, you know the one with the kid that begs for a BB gun and is told he'll shoot his eye out? On a whim, I bought Andy a Daisy Red Ryder BB gun and he loves it! I got a new camera and some books and Andy got a Green Lantern hat, although we have to take it back, it's too small. My husband has a huge noggin!
After breakfast we packed up and headed over to Andy's parents after a quick stop at our house. We had to drop Lily off (Andy's parent's dog, Sadie, likes to try to eat her so we don't take her over there) and Andy grabbed his knives as he was in charge of doing brunch. Poor Mitch is going thru chemo and when we got there he was really upset. The treatments have caused mouth and throat sores and he can't eat or drink without being in pain. It's horrible. I wish I could take it all away. Between Andy and his brother Mikey, they finally got some meds in him and we was able to do a little better after that. The boys got brunch put together and we all sat down to eat, it was all really delicious. We all exchanged and opened gifts after that. Andy's dad made a brief appearance and then vanished back into his room. Andy's brother Mikey and his wife and his grandma and her hunney and his son, and of course his parents and brother Mitch and us were all there. Sometimes after we opened presents, I succumbed and fell asleep in the middle of it all. Andy snagged my new camera and got a picture the silly man.
Overall, it was a wonderful Christmas and a wonderful weekend.
Oh and since I didn't have to work Thursday or Friday after all, we went out Thursday and had a lovely afternoon just the two of us. We saw the new True Grit, and I must say it was awesome. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend you do so.
I love that our family gets together for Christmas Eve. We put together a big meal and we all sit down and enjoy it together and eat far too much, it's wonderful! I love how well out family gets along too. We are a step family that joined together like it was always that way. After dinner we held a birthday party for Becca, can't believe she's three! and then the kids and adults not spending the night opened their gifts. After everyone left and the rug rat was asleep, we cleaned up and my mom, my sister and Andy and I sat down to play games. It was tons of fun, I haven't played games with my mom in a while, it was great. While we played my dad listened to music and watched a movie and Kenton put together Santa presents. After my mom and dad went to bed, Stacie, Andy and I stayed up a while longer and played Boggle. I love that game and it has been a favorite of mine and my sister's and we have gotten Andy hooked too. Stacie and I have never fully played by the rules with Boggle and when Andy first started playing it with us, he insisted we play by the rules. We have finally broken him of that and convinced him that our way is much more fun. If you want to know details, well you'll just have to play it with us one day.
Andy and I slept on a couch mattress on the floor and decided that that was not a good idea after sitting in folding chairs for as long as we did playing games, neither of us slept well. Not that we slept long, by 6:00 I was awake and excited hehe. Stacie and Kenton were awake a short while later and then mom and dad heard us and got up too. Kenton had to go in and wake up the only actual kid in the house, how funny is that? Becca grumbled about getting up until daddy told her Santa had been here, then she was excited and we all sat down to watch her play with her new stuff and open all our presents. It was wonderful. One of Andy's favorite movies is A Christmas Story, you know the one with the kid that begs for a BB gun and is told he'll shoot his eye out? On a whim, I bought Andy a Daisy Red Ryder BB gun and he loves it! I got a new camera and some books and Andy got a Green Lantern hat, although we have to take it back, it's too small. My husband has a huge noggin!
After breakfast we packed up and headed over to Andy's parents after a quick stop at our house. We had to drop Lily off (Andy's parent's dog, Sadie, likes to try to eat her so we don't take her over there) and Andy grabbed his knives as he was in charge of doing brunch. Poor Mitch is going thru chemo and when we got there he was really upset. The treatments have caused mouth and throat sores and he can't eat or drink without being in pain. It's horrible. I wish I could take it all away. Between Andy and his brother Mikey, they finally got some meds in him and we was able to do a little better after that. The boys got brunch put together and we all sat down to eat, it was all really delicious. We all exchanged and opened gifts after that. Andy's dad made a brief appearance and then vanished back into his room. Andy's brother Mikey and his wife and his grandma and her hunney and his son, and of course his parents and brother Mitch and us were all there. Sometimes after we opened presents, I succumbed and fell asleep in the middle of it all. Andy snagged my new camera and got a picture the silly man.
Overall, it was a wonderful Christmas and a wonderful weekend.
Oh and since I didn't have to work Thursday or Friday after all, we went out Thursday and had a lovely afternoon just the two of us. We saw the new True Grit, and I must say it was awesome. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend you do so.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Getting Excited
Working hard, working overtime, can't wait to go back to my normal schedule. I was being totally bummed and depressed because my boss was telling us all we were going to need to work today and possibly Christmas eve. It really got to me on Monday, but Tuesday she said if we all work till 9:00 on Wednesday we wouldn't have to work the holiday and could have our four day weekend. YAY!
Due to stress and work and exhaustion, I was late getting ready for Christmas. We just got our tree up this past Sunday and I haven't even wrapped anything that I just barely bought last Friday. Andy know two of his presents which sucks and then I was dumb and ordered his big present without having it shipped to my sister's. Well he got home first and because the delivery guy didn't put it where i was expecting him too, Andy discovered it. I didn't get to see his reaction, but he called me and I could hear in his voice what I was hoping to see. I got him a set of quality chef knives and he loves them! He can't open the box til tomorrow but he is so excited about them, he hates the knives we have and it's going to be excited to see him excited about cooking again! We're getting out nice kitchen one small piece at a time. We have good quality pans, both stainless and non-stick, and a decent stove and now we have good knives. Now we just need to save the money for new cabinets and floors LOL. I still have a couple presents that he has no clue about that he'll be super excited over, so all is not lost (or found out). I have no clue what he's gotten me at all.
I am finally being able to relax and get into the holiday spirit and am getting excited about Christmas. I'm terrible, every year I get so excited I almost always make myself sick, I have the darnedest time getting to sleep and I still, even at 32 years old, wake up around 6 or so in the morning too excited to sleep anymore. I love it! We always spend the night with my family too. We used to do it at my mom's but then we just got to be too many and started doing it at my sister's. As families have grown not so many spend the night anymore, but we all get together Christmas eve for a good meal and good conversation. This year my littlest niece will be three and is understanding more and more about Santa and presents and we are excited to see her face come Christmas morning. It's going to be fun. I'll have to be quick about wrapping presents tomorrow so we can get over to Stacie's early!
Due to stress and work and exhaustion, I was late getting ready for Christmas. We just got our tree up this past Sunday and I haven't even wrapped anything that I just barely bought last Friday. Andy know two of his presents which sucks and then I was dumb and ordered his big present without having it shipped to my sister's. Well he got home first and because the delivery guy didn't put it where i was expecting him too, Andy discovered it. I didn't get to see his reaction, but he called me and I could hear in his voice what I was hoping to see. I got him a set of quality chef knives and he loves them! He can't open the box til tomorrow but he is so excited about them, he hates the knives we have and it's going to be excited to see him excited about cooking again! We're getting out nice kitchen one small piece at a time. We have good quality pans, both stainless and non-stick, and a decent stove and now we have good knives. Now we just need to save the money for new cabinets and floors LOL. I still have a couple presents that he has no clue about that he'll be super excited over, so all is not lost (or found out). I have no clue what he's gotten me at all.
I am finally being able to relax and get into the holiday spirit and am getting excited about Christmas. I'm terrible, every year I get so excited I almost always make myself sick, I have the darnedest time getting to sleep and I still, even at 32 years old, wake up around 6 or so in the morning too excited to sleep anymore. I love it! We always spend the night with my family too. We used to do it at my mom's but then we just got to be too many and started doing it at my sister's. As families have grown not so many spend the night anymore, but we all get together Christmas eve for a good meal and good conversation. This year my littlest niece will be three and is understanding more and more about Santa and presents and we are excited to see her face come Christmas morning. It's going to be fun. I'll have to be quick about wrapping presents tomorrow so we can get over to Stacie's early!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
So Needed That
I went out Christmas shopping last night with my sister, it's something we do every year together and I always look forward to it. We have a sit down dinner somewhere and then head out. We always have so much fun talking and laughing and teasing and its great! I got almost everything I wanted to get too. I've gotten so bad at last minute shopping the last few years, but I'm not the only one hehe. We lost track of time, couldn't believe how late it was when Andy finally called to see when we were heading home. I wore the wrong shoes and ended up hurting quite bad by the end of the night, but I was in such a good mood and had so much fun that it was totally worth it. It was just what I needed after all that has been going on.
We have a tons of December birthdays in my family (and among my friends) and we all signed up for a free meal at a really yummy restaurant called Tucanos and so we all got together today for our meal to celebrate together. I had a great time, and Andy came despite still not feeling very well. He's had a nasty cold for most of the week. We came home and both of us promptly fell asleep, it was kinda funny. I got the budget done once we got up, we got our tree set up but not decorated (I know, Christmas is just days away, but I want it up damnit!) and now we are relaxing.
It's been such a great weekend and just what I needed.
We have a tons of December birthdays in my family (and among my friends) and we all signed up for a free meal at a really yummy restaurant called Tucanos and so we all got together today for our meal to celebrate together. I had a great time, and Andy came despite still not feeling very well. He's had a nasty cold for most of the week. We came home and both of us promptly fell asleep, it was kinda funny. I got the budget done once we got up, we got our tree set up but not decorated (I know, Christmas is just days away, but I want it up damnit!) and now we are relaxing.
It's been such a great weekend and just what I needed.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
What would like in your bowl of life today?
You have several lovely options, stress mixed in, stress on the side, stress Ale Carte, or just stress all around?
You know the old saying, "The straw that broke the camel's back."? Ya, well my camel can no longer be seen under the stack. Work, work , and more work. Mandatory overtime kinda work. Now I know there are people out there that work tens and twelves and put in massive amounts of overtime every week, but I'm just not one of these people. I work my 40 and that's that. I like it that way. I sometimes think I wouldn't mind four tens instead of five eights, but I have been told that that will never happen so, whatever. But we are now in the throws of our busy season and work is piling up and fast. I don't like overtime until I see the check. I'm tired! I don't get enough sleep as it is and now I am finding it hard to go to bed at a decent hour because I keep wanting the same amount of time at home every night that I am used to. I know, it's dumb, but I sit down and start doing things that I normally have plenty of time to do and the next thing I know it's midnight or one and I'm screwed. So lack of sleep plus pressure and stress are not making for happy days. Also, Andy does not have enough work yet for overtime and we only have one car so that has created a difficulty as well. I thought I would be able to just simply do all my overtime from home, but someone had a cow over that and so I have to put in a set number of extra hours at the office. Denise has been wonderful and has been giving Andy a ride home tho and so that part actually worked out. Thank you Denise!
The check will be worth it. The check will be worth it. The check will be worth it.
Mitchell had yet another seizure (two total) and was then put on anti-seizure meds. They finally decided that the chemo meds are causing them. Well, the anti-seizure meds are affecting his brain. He is more irritable and ornery than he has been and then he got irrational. He started making threats towards others and himself and had to be taken back to the hospital. They gave him some stuff to calm him down, kept him overnight, and then sent him home. We are all on edge and stressed, and very worried about the whole situation. I wish I could take it all away. Everyone also has very short fuses and arguments are getting more common. It sucks.
So I was doing really, really well with my eating habits and was losing weight and everything, I was very proud of myself even tho it was going slow. Well....I keep catching myself stress eating. Everything. If it's in front of me or within my reach, I want it. I went to bed last night with severe heartburn, worse than I have had in a while, and it didn't phase me. I can't stop. It sucks. I am now scared about weighing myself again too. Hopefully I can get back to it after the holidays. Ah crap! The holidays!.....oh well, it's no time of year to be worrying about a diet....right?.....right? *sigh*
I am a World of Warcraft player. Horde player, of course. For The Horde! I am addicted. I love the game. They released the new expansion this week! Yay! Wait....I'm on overtime.....GAH! this sucks. I have managed to get two levels tho....*yawn* I said, I'm addicted. Mount Hyjal is awesome and I am liking how lore rich the new content is even tho I usually don't pay too much attention to lore. My husband and I are leveling two toons together and we finished Hyjal last night. Can't wait to get to the rest of the new stuff and I love that we can fly in the old world now, and Org looks awesome! I don't think I'm going to get any play time in tonight tho, considering how tired I am, how late I got home, and the fact that I am sitting here blogging instead....ahem....good thing Andy has other toons he wants to level as well....
Anyway, sorry for the geek out moment....back to stuff the rest of you can understand and know what I'm talking about.
So how can two people, just two of us, no kids, get our house so messy so fast? Anyone want to come help clean? It's mostly clutter, promise? Ya, didn't think so. Oh well. I need to get on the ball with it all tho and get the house picked up. I want to get a real Christmas Tree this year and need to make a spot for it and we are hosting a party and I need the place clean for that. I'll have to fit it in with everything else somehow. Wish it would magically clean itself. Oh and I need to get the dog to the groomer on Saturday.
Guess I should stop rambling and be done.
Oh I have to tell you something funny, last night as I was getting ready for bed I was going thru my normal routine and wasn't really thinking about anything I was doing until I hear the chuckle from across the bed. I stop and quickly think about what I could have done to cause my husband to giggle at me. Plenty apparently. I have bad allergies so I was making all kinds of horrid noises trying to clear out my nose and sinuses and I'm hurting so I'm sure quite a few grunts escaped me as I was adjusting and trying to get comfortable and then after all that, I farted. Ya, I guess I can't blame him. I shrugged, burped, rolled over and went to sleep. LOL
You know the old saying, "The straw that broke the camel's back."? Ya, well my camel can no longer be seen under the stack. Work, work , and more work. Mandatory overtime kinda work. Now I know there are people out there that work tens and twelves and put in massive amounts of overtime every week, but I'm just not one of these people. I work my 40 and that's that. I like it that way. I sometimes think I wouldn't mind four tens instead of five eights, but I have been told that that will never happen so, whatever. But we are now in the throws of our busy season and work is piling up and fast. I don't like overtime until I see the check. I'm tired! I don't get enough sleep as it is and now I am finding it hard to go to bed at a decent hour because I keep wanting the same amount of time at home every night that I am used to. I know, it's dumb, but I sit down and start doing things that I normally have plenty of time to do and the next thing I know it's midnight or one and I'm screwed. So lack of sleep plus pressure and stress are not making for happy days. Also, Andy does not have enough work yet for overtime and we only have one car so that has created a difficulty as well. I thought I would be able to just simply do all my overtime from home, but someone had a cow over that and so I have to put in a set number of extra hours at the office. Denise has been wonderful and has been giving Andy a ride home tho and so that part actually worked out. Thank you Denise!
The check will be worth it. The check will be worth it. The check will be worth it.
Mitchell had yet another seizure (two total) and was then put on anti-seizure meds. They finally decided that the chemo meds are causing them. Well, the anti-seizure meds are affecting his brain. He is more irritable and ornery than he has been and then he got irrational. He started making threats towards others and himself and had to be taken back to the hospital. They gave him some stuff to calm him down, kept him overnight, and then sent him home. We are all on edge and stressed, and very worried about the whole situation. I wish I could take it all away. Everyone also has very short fuses and arguments are getting more common. It sucks.
So I was doing really, really well with my eating habits and was losing weight and everything, I was very proud of myself even tho it was going slow. Well....I keep catching myself stress eating. Everything. If it's in front of me or within my reach, I want it. I went to bed last night with severe heartburn, worse than I have had in a while, and it didn't phase me. I can't stop. It sucks. I am now scared about weighing myself again too. Hopefully I can get back to it after the holidays. Ah crap! The holidays!.....oh well, it's no time of year to be worrying about a diet....right?.....right? *sigh*
I am a World of Warcraft player. Horde player, of course. For The Horde! I am addicted. I love the game. They released the new expansion this week! Yay! Wait....I'm on overtime.....GAH! this sucks. I have managed to get two levels tho....*yawn* I said, I'm addicted. Mount Hyjal is awesome and I am liking how lore rich the new content is even tho I usually don't pay too much attention to lore. My husband and I are leveling two toons together and we finished Hyjal last night. Can't wait to get to the rest of the new stuff and I love that we can fly in the old world now, and Org looks awesome! I don't think I'm going to get any play time in tonight tho, considering how tired I am, how late I got home, and the fact that I am sitting here blogging instead....ahem....good thing Andy has other toons he wants to level as well....
Anyway, sorry for the geek out moment....back to stuff the rest of you can understand and know what I'm talking about.
So how can two people, just two of us, no kids, get our house so messy so fast? Anyone want to come help clean? It's mostly clutter, promise? Ya, didn't think so. Oh well. I need to get on the ball with it all tho and get the house picked up. I want to get a real Christmas Tree this year and need to make a spot for it and we are hosting a party and I need the place clean for that. I'll have to fit it in with everything else somehow. Wish it would magically clean itself. Oh and I need to get the dog to the groomer on Saturday.
Guess I should stop rambling and be done.
Oh I have to tell you something funny, last night as I was getting ready for bed I was going thru my normal routine and wasn't really thinking about anything I was doing until I hear the chuckle from across the bed. I stop and quickly think about what I could have done to cause my husband to giggle at me. Plenty apparently. I have bad allergies so I was making all kinds of horrid noises trying to clear out my nose and sinuses and I'm hurting so I'm sure quite a few grunts escaped me as I was adjusting and trying to get comfortable and then after all that, I farted. Ya, I guess I can't blame him. I shrugged, burped, rolled over and went to sleep. LOL
Saturday, December 4, 2010
So we have been on a sushi kick if you hadn't noticed.....anyway, we decided to go to sushi yet again last night. We called Kristie and Patrick to see if they wanted to go and we all headed off for Kobe Sushi. I have been trying to get Andy to go back, but he has been reluctant since trying the Hellfire Challenge. Kobe is my favorite of all the places we've been. It was fun too because Kristie is a sushi virgin practically so we got to introduce her to several kinds. It was all delicious. There were several people there trying the challenge and one of them succeeded while we were there. Andy decided he really does want to try again since he knows how he went wrong the first time (he didn't pace himself) but at a later time. The head chef and owner, Alex, remembered us and after we were done eating he came over to our table and talked sushi with us and then he brought out a bottle of wine that you could tell was his personal bottle and not one that is sold. He gave us each a shot and toasted us for being sushi people and coming back. He is such a fun guy to talk to and I thought that was wonderful what he did. He told us about his fish and his Kobe beef and that he imports most of it three times a week straight from Japan. He doesn't like the local stuff, it isn't good enough he says. LOL He also showed us his Kobe beef certificate that is proof that his is authentic and the good stuff rather than the local Kobe "style" beef which I hear isn't near the same. One of these days I want to try Kobe beef, but it is so stinking expensive it would have to be a very special occasion. I wish I had asked for a picture of us schmoozing with the owner.
We went back to Kristie and Patrick's house and hung out for a while and had some drinks.
Today I worked for several hours to make up time and try to stay caught up and Andy went to Mikey's to help him with computer issues and then we both have just been playing wow and being bums all evening. It's been nice.
We went back to Kristie and Patrick's house and hung out for a while and had some drinks.
Today I worked for several hours to make up time and try to stay caught up and Andy went to Mikey's to help him with computer issues and then we both have just been playing wow and being bums all evening. It's been nice.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Dew Me
I woke up today, knowing I hadn't gotten enough sleep. I dragged thru the morning and pretty much fell asleep in the passenger seat on the way to work. I got to work and found my cubicle gift wrapped and decorated for my birthday. I had to break thru the wrapping paper to get inside. Inside, I found mana from heaven in the form of a six pack of 16oz diet Mountain Dew. There was also a bag of goodies that I shared with everyone. It was awesome. I had lost enough sleep that a dew didn't do it for me today really, but the one I had, along with some pain stuff, did help with the headache I woke up with. Nolana also brought in ice cream and soda for floats for everyone. Other than finding out about more underlying drama and playing catch up from yesterday, over all it was an okay day.
I think I'll take a nap when I get home tho if I can ignore the twin calls of wow and my book.
I think I'll take a nap when I get home tho if I can ignore the twin calls of wow and my book.
A birthday and A Funeral
Yesterday was my birthday. It was also the day picked for Wayne's funeral. The day before I had gotten very depressed. Depressed over losing Wayne and going to yet another funeral. Depressed that a funeral was how I was to celebrate my birthday this year. Depressed over stress and drama at work. It was hard. Andy then found out he had to go in yesterday morning for a mandatory meeting and then I was worried about getting down to where we needed to be on time. We needed to be to my sister's by 10:00 since we were riding with her. I slept in after Andy left and then got up and showered. I got a couple phone calls wishing me happy birthday and that was nice. Andy managed to make it home in time and we headed out.
I always enjoy spending time with my sister and her family and riding down with them was a good mood lifter. Sometimes you just can't stay sad around my little niece, she is so adorable. When we got down there we were immediately surrounded by family. I love that. I come from a very large family and as I've gotten older I've realized we are almost unique in that, even with so many people, so many lifestyles and personalities, we all have a strong sense of family and we all get along wonderfully. My Aunt Karen and Uncle Allen surprised me and gave me the neatest little present, a little stone turtle with the back carved out and a tiny carved turtle inside it. It was so wonderfully thoughtful of them. They took care of me for the first six months or so of my life while my mom recovered from a stroke and I have been considered one of theirs ever since, I don't mind. The morgue made Wayne up really well and he was dressed in a button shirt and jeans which was totally him. He really looked like was just taking a nap. The graveside service was nice and lots of people told memories and experiences with Wayne. I realised that the podium was on top of my grandparents grave stone and found that odd. I really miss my grandma, she was such a wonderful lady. Andy pointed out that I had never taken him up there before and so that was the first time he had been introduced to her, I started crying all over again. I say it a lot, but I really wish he could have met her. I showed him my great grandparent's and my cousin's stones as well. My cousin Debby pointed out that two cousins as well as Wayne all died November 24 different years. Crazy.
We all went to Wayne's, now Danean's, house after for a luncheon and more visiting and it turned out really nice. My mom gave me a very lovely card for my birthday once we got there. I feel so bad that Danean has lost two brothers and her dad in the last two years and that it is all left on her shoulders. I'm glad Wayne got everything taken care of for her before he left us tho.
It was great to be surrounded by family but I really think we all need to plan a day and all get together for some other occasion that is not a funeral or the reunion. Over-all tho it was a good day, despite the circumstances. Later in the evening Andy took me to dinner and we had an enjoyable meal together. I think I heard from almost everyone either in person, by a phone call, or by facebook and that helped in lifting my spirits.
I went to bed way too late and am paying for it today.
I always enjoy spending time with my sister and her family and riding down with them was a good mood lifter. Sometimes you just can't stay sad around my little niece, she is so adorable. When we got down there we were immediately surrounded by family. I love that. I come from a very large family and as I've gotten older I've realized we are almost unique in that, even with so many people, so many lifestyles and personalities, we all have a strong sense of family and we all get along wonderfully. My Aunt Karen and Uncle Allen surprised me and gave me the neatest little present, a little stone turtle with the back carved out and a tiny carved turtle inside it. It was so wonderfully thoughtful of them. They took care of me for the first six months or so of my life while my mom recovered from a stroke and I have been considered one of theirs ever since, I don't mind. The morgue made Wayne up really well and he was dressed in a button shirt and jeans which was totally him. He really looked like was just taking a nap. The graveside service was nice and lots of people told memories and experiences with Wayne. I realised that the podium was on top of my grandparents grave stone and found that odd. I really miss my grandma, she was such a wonderful lady. Andy pointed out that I had never taken him up there before and so that was the first time he had been introduced to her, I started crying all over again. I say it a lot, but I really wish he could have met her. I showed him my great grandparent's and my cousin's stones as well. My cousin Debby pointed out that two cousins as well as Wayne all died November 24 different years. Crazy.
We all went to Wayne's, now Danean's, house after for a luncheon and more visiting and it turned out really nice. My mom gave me a very lovely card for my birthday once we got there. I feel so bad that Danean has lost two brothers and her dad in the last two years and that it is all left on her shoulders. I'm glad Wayne got everything taken care of for her before he left us tho.
It was great to be surrounded by family but I really think we all need to plan a day and all get together for some other occasion that is not a funeral or the reunion. Over-all tho it was a good day, despite the circumstances. Later in the evening Andy took me to dinner and we had an enjoyable meal together. I think I heard from almost everyone either in person, by a phone call, or by facebook and that helped in lifting my spirits.
I went to bed way too late and am paying for it today.
Monday, November 29, 2010
What a Day
First off, it's Monday. Second, I only got about 4 or so hours of sleep. My own fault...well,'s Catching Fire's fault. Ya that's a better blame :). The Hunger Games books are awesome. I got to work and had waaay too much to do due to the holiday and my not logging in on Friday, but that's okay, I got mostly caught up. I ended up crying a bit in front of people when I told them how bad the weekend was and I don't like to do that. My boss did let me have Wednesday off for the funeral, so that is good, but then I realized that is also my birthday. I was wishing I could have my birthday off, but what a crappy reason to get it off. I don't want to spend my day at a funeral, but on the other hand it is honoring a great man. Today has been a downer day. I got excited for a bit when I decided to look on KSL for a snow blower so Andy wouldn't have to shovel. I talked to the guy and he said he had had a couple no shows and that I was the first to call since. He then told me his address and said to be there about 7:00. We both were excited about it now. We got off work and went home for a bit, then went to an ATM and headed out. When we got there, the guy's wife said they had just sold it and didn't her husband call us? No, he didn't, cause he's a jerk! I was pissed. What could we do tho?
We headed over to Lowes to at least see what the prices looked like on new ones and maybe get a super cheap one, but guess what? They were sold out. We bought some salt and a new shovel (old one is broke) and headed home.
Andy did the bare minimum and came in, I would have to. What a rotten day. I hate Mondays....
We headed over to Lowes to at least see what the prices looked like on new ones and maybe get a super cheap one, but guess what? They were sold out. We bought some salt and a new shovel (old one is broke) and headed home.
Andy did the bare minimum and came in, I would have to. What a rotten day. I hate Mondays....
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Crappy Week
Mitchell started chemo on Monday. My uncle died Wednesday. Thanksgiving with Andy's family was canceled. Andy's uncle died Saturday and Mitch had a seizure and was put back in the hospital that day too.
Bad news needs to stop and good news needs to start. 2010 needs to be done.
Mitch seems to be doing better but is still in the hospital. Not exactly sure what caused the seizure but they are thinking maybe it was dehydration.
Bad news needs to stop and good news needs to start. 2010 needs to be done.
Mitch seems to be doing better but is still in the hospital. Not exactly sure what caused the seizure but they are thinking maybe it was dehydration.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Poor Puppy
So we've had this bush growing under our deck all summer and about half way thru the summer I realized it was a cockle burr bush. I have been meaning to tear it out ever since. Well now that there is snow on the ground Lily decided going potty under the deck was a great idea. She has been coming in with burrs all over her now. She came in with almost a dozen on her the other day and Andy went out and ripped the thing out after getting the burrs off the dog. When I got home from work Lily took forever to go do her business when she has been super quick about it since it got cold and I thought that was strange until later on. I had her on lap, but when i picked her up to put her down I felt a burr near her back end. I got down on the floor and found two burrs right next to her who-who. Poor thing. I went and grabbed some rubber gloves and some scissors and put her on the ottoman to carefully remove them when I found another, far worse one. The poor thing had gotten a burr trapped and tangled right in front of her poop chute. She was plugged! No wonder she took so long, she couldn't relive herself! Oh I felt so bad getting that one removed and got pooped on in the process. What a bad place to have burrs. Oh the joys of having pets LOL.
Weird Thanksgiving
Mitchell started Chemo on Monday, I had on argument with my boss on Wednesday, and my uncle Wayne passed away Wednesday Night. We got our computer parts on Tuesday and got them put together and loaded with everything. Got ours monitors Wednesday. Thanksgiving dinner was canceled even tho we offered to cook it and had bought a turkey. It has been a very roller coaster week emotionally. We went to the hospital Thursday afternoon and it turned out to be very frustrating. We then took off for American fork to have dinner with my family. Thankfully it was very enjoyable and stress free. It was wonderful food and good conversation and it was fun to watch the kids play together. We'll be having a second Thanksgiving dinner Saturday with Dan and Denise and their bunch and then we'll make dinner for Andy's family on Sunday so we can still gives thanks with them too. Three turkey dinners in a row, oh my!
I was going to log in and get some work done and bank some hours Friday morning but decided not to since this was the last holiday of the year where I will have a choice in the matter. Our busy time starts Monday and it will be nothing but over time and banked hours for the next month or two. We aren't allowed time off, but I sure hope I can get my boss to let me have some time on Tuesday so I can go to the funeral.
I think we got our computers just in time. My mouse died just before we got them, then we get them and Andy's old machine dies flat out, then My speakers blow and his keyboard died. Wild. Now we have almost brand new everything, but I think I'm done with buying computer stuff.
I was going to log in and get some work done and bank some hours Friday morning but decided not to since this was the last holiday of the year where I will have a choice in the matter. Our busy time starts Monday and it will be nothing but over time and banked hours for the next month or two. We aren't allowed time off, but I sure hope I can get my boss to let me have some time on Tuesday so I can go to the funeral.
I think we got our computers just in time. My mouse died just before we got them, then we get them and Andy's old machine dies flat out, then My speakers blow and his keyboard died. Wild. Now we have almost brand new everything, but I think I'm done with buying computer stuff.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Earning Looks at the Sev
So on the way home from visiting Mitch in the hospital last night, we were both decidedly thirsty and decided to stop at the Sev and pick up some water bottles. Andy stayed in the car and I went in. I cannot for the life of me remember what song was playing and it's driving me nuts! It was catchy and one I know all the words to and one that I enjoy. I started singing to it without really even realizing it. That is, until I got to the register. The cashier looked at me funny. I turned around and there was a cop or two behind me, looking at me funny. I thought it was funny. I did a little dance to the music as I left and Andy giggled at me from the car. LOL
We put our new computers together tonight and got everything installed and up and running. I love it!!! Downloading WoW as we speak and hopefully it will be done by morning so we can get the patches started downloading before we head to work. Love the new PC!
Oh and by the way, some storm, I would hardly call it a blizzard...but it did put down a lot of snow. :)
We put our new computers together tonight and got everything installed and up and running. I love it!!! Downloading WoW as we speak and hopefully it will be done by morning so we can get the patches started downloading before we head to work. Love the new PC!
Oh and by the way, some storm, I would hardly call it a blizzard...but it did put down a lot of snow. :)
Lots of Things Happening.
Boy I have really gotten bad about posting lately and now I have to catch up. Unfortunately, I have one of the most swiss-cheesed brains out there and can't remember all that happened during the week, but here is what sticks out in my head.
Tons, and tons, and tons of drama at work which really sucks and makes it hard to be there, then my best friend at work quit because of the drama and I don't blame her (I think I would have too), but she quit at the worst time possible. Our busiest time of the year starts next week and her work gets split between only two of us on top of our other duties. My boss also continues to expect me to work another line of business that I told her from the beginning I didn't think I could keep up with and now with the extra load, I have no clue how I'm going to juggle it all. Then to add insult to injury my boss came right out and said she doesn't think I do my job, that I don't work when I am clocked in from home and when I told her I was insulted she said we should have a meeting, but she has never set one up. Still trying to cool off from that one. I know why she thinks this tho, but that just makes me more mad. She can't see my production numbers! But they're there, I have them, I keep track. Does she bother to ask to see them? or just simply trust me like a boss should that I have given no reason not to? No. Grrr
Anyway, enough of that. The past weekend has been fun. We went out with some old friends that we haven't hung out with, in way too long, on Friday and had a blast. I really can't remember what else we did over the weekend, but it was enjoyable except for Sunday. I woke up with a nasty throbbing, can't-open-my-eyes, fibro-induced headache. It was horrid. Thank heavens for ibuprofen and bio freeze. Oh on Saturday night we had decided to go out to sushi but once we got on the road we realized the storm that was starting was worse than we thought. We turned around, stopped at a place close to home for a quick meal (they did happen to have sushi tho hehe) and then went and settled in at home. We woke up to over 11 inches of snow! Crazy. It's all almost melted now tho.
Monday we got to work and were surprised by a lovely voicemail stating we would get our Christmas bonuses, and when, and then we were naughty and got Christmas presents for ourselves (and birthday for me) early. We ordered parts for two brand new, kick ass - 3.5ghz quad core, 8gigs of ram, terabyte harddrives, sweet, sweet video cards (can't think of the model right now but they're sweet), big black, full of fans cases - computers. Sweet! I'm so excited! I am a gamer and all I have had to work and play on for almost a year is my laptop. Now don't get me wrong, I love my laptop, but it just isn't cut out for handling hardware intensive games. My beautiful, cool running lappy now runs hot and that makes me worry, so switching back to a pc for games will be awesome! We also gave in and ordered a new monitor for each of us, so now instead of a 20" and 19" we'll both have a 20" and a (drum roll) 24" monitor (they were on sale for a really great price). It's gonna be HUGE! Oh and I have to get a new mouse. They don't like being dropped. Haven't decided just yet what to do with our two 19 inchers yet. Maybe we'll surprise some peeps.
I can't believe it's Thanksgiving week either! Where'd November go? We may not get to celebrate the feast this year tho, Andy's youngest brother has had a cancer lump on his skull, they removed it but it's such a rare and aggressive cancer that they are going to put him thru chemo anyway. He was admitted last night to have the port put in and they are setting him up with a PICC line as we speak. He'll start his chemo this evening. He's scarred to death and I don't blame him. My mother-in-law is beside herself. Andy and I were going to cook for everyone Thursday but it sounds like Mitch will still be in the hospital and no one may want to eat. I don't know if we'll end up at my mom's or not or just bag the whole thing. Who knows. It makes the holidays tough and unfortunately, the doctor's were worried about holding off for even one more week to get him started. I feel so bad for him. We'll just have to play it by ear.
We have been getting blizzard warnings all day. The news is stating it'll be the worst storm we've had in years, possibly even as bad as the storms we got that flooded us in the spring of '83. They may send us all home early so we can try and be home before it hits. Andy is up at the hospital tho and it's against the mountains. I hope they don't get stuck up there. I wanted to swing by the store on the way home too, but maybe I should change my mind.
I don't think I have been processing my sugars right lately. I either get severe heart burn, an upset stomach, or both and then just feel weird. I have been doing my best just to stay away from sweets and stuff, but I gave in and just ate a huge sugar cookie a little bit ago. I hate heartburn. I should know better. Oh well.
Tons, and tons, and tons of drama at work which really sucks and makes it hard to be there, then my best friend at work quit because of the drama and I don't blame her (I think I would have too), but she quit at the worst time possible. Our busiest time of the year starts next week and her work gets split between only two of us on top of our other duties. My boss also continues to expect me to work another line of business that I told her from the beginning I didn't think I could keep up with and now with the extra load, I have no clue how I'm going to juggle it all. Then to add insult to injury my boss came right out and said she doesn't think I do my job, that I don't work when I am clocked in from home and when I told her I was insulted she said we should have a meeting, but she has never set one up. Still trying to cool off from that one. I know why she thinks this tho, but that just makes me more mad. She can't see my production numbers! But they're there, I have them, I keep track. Does she bother to ask to see them? or just simply trust me like a boss should that I have given no reason not to? No. Grrr
Anyway, enough of that. The past weekend has been fun. We went out with some old friends that we haven't hung out with, in way too long, on Friday and had a blast. I really can't remember what else we did over the weekend, but it was enjoyable except for Sunday. I woke up with a nasty throbbing, can't-open-my-eyes, fibro-induced headache. It was horrid. Thank heavens for ibuprofen and bio freeze. Oh on Saturday night we had decided to go out to sushi but once we got on the road we realized the storm that was starting was worse than we thought. We turned around, stopped at a place close to home for a quick meal (they did happen to have sushi tho hehe) and then went and settled in at home. We woke up to over 11 inches of snow! Crazy. It's all almost melted now tho.
Monday we got to work and were surprised by a lovely voicemail stating we would get our Christmas bonuses, and when, and then we were naughty and got Christmas presents for ourselves (and birthday for me) early. We ordered parts for two brand new, kick ass - 3.5ghz quad core, 8gigs of ram, terabyte harddrives, sweet, sweet video cards (can't think of the model right now but they're sweet), big black, full of fans cases - computers. Sweet! I'm so excited! I am a gamer and all I have had to work and play on for almost a year is my laptop. Now don't get me wrong, I love my laptop, but it just isn't cut out for handling hardware intensive games. My beautiful, cool running lappy now runs hot and that makes me worry, so switching back to a pc for games will be awesome! We also gave in and ordered a new monitor for each of us, so now instead of a 20" and 19" we'll both have a 20" and a (drum roll) 24" monitor (they were on sale for a really great price). It's gonna be HUGE! Oh and I have to get a new mouse. They don't like being dropped. Haven't decided just yet what to do with our two 19 inchers yet. Maybe we'll surprise some peeps.
I can't believe it's Thanksgiving week either! Where'd November go? We may not get to celebrate the feast this year tho, Andy's youngest brother has had a cancer lump on his skull, they removed it but it's such a rare and aggressive cancer that they are going to put him thru chemo anyway. He was admitted last night to have the port put in and they are setting him up with a PICC line as we speak. He'll start his chemo this evening. He's scarred to death and I don't blame him. My mother-in-law is beside herself. Andy and I were going to cook for everyone Thursday but it sounds like Mitch will still be in the hospital and no one may want to eat. I don't know if we'll end up at my mom's or not or just bag the whole thing. Who knows. It makes the holidays tough and unfortunately, the doctor's were worried about holding off for even one more week to get him started. I feel so bad for him. We'll just have to play it by ear.
We have been getting blizzard warnings all day. The news is stating it'll be the worst storm we've had in years, possibly even as bad as the storms we got that flooded us in the spring of '83. They may send us all home early so we can try and be home before it hits. Andy is up at the hospital tho and it's against the mountains. I hope they don't get stuck up there. I wanted to swing by the store on the way home too, but maybe I should change my mind.
I don't think I have been processing my sugars right lately. I either get severe heart burn, an upset stomach, or both and then just feel weird. I have been doing my best just to stay away from sweets and stuff, but I gave in and just ate a huge sugar cookie a little bit ago. I hate heartburn. I should know better. Oh well.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Great Weekend
Laughing is a great drug. My drug of choice for sure. I had the girls over Friday night and it was a blast! We laughed almost the entire evening. I love girls night. We get together roughly once a month to just chat and relax and have fun and we are always up way late, but it's worth it.
Saturday morning I played some WoW and then Lily and I jumped in the shower. I know, it's weird to get in the shower with your dog, but if I wash her first then have Andy come and get her then wash myself, it works out really well and gets two birds with one stone. She was smelling like dirty socks that got wet and it just had to be done and I didn't want to mess with giving her a bath LOL. Then we decided to go to Sushi and Jason and Elizabeth went with us. We went to Tsunami this time and it was really good! We went and wondered around Toys R Us afterword then stopped for some frozen yogurt and went home. We watched an episode of Coupling (the British one) which was hilarious, and then they had to go. Elizabeth made us this gorgeous wreath to go on our door and had brought it over. I love it and can't wait to put it up, but not until after Thanksgiving. I'm a firm believer in one holiday at a time.
Sunday was spent reading, playing WoW, watching TV, and doing laundry. Andy was wonderful and made homemade bread as well. I haven't had homemade yeast bread in a long time and it was wonderful. I had two fillings done earlier in the week and I had had some sensitivity, but as the weekend went on it turned into pain and I was having a hard time eating. Even eating the soft warm bread hurt. I could also feel a bit of jaggedness between the two teeth. I decided that a piece maybe had come off. No matter what tho, I had no choice but to go back. I texted my boss and let her know I would be in late Monday. Andy already had an appointment Monday morning for some fillings of his own so instead of having him drop me off at work first, I just went with him. He called them this morning and let them know the situation and they got us both sat down as soon as we got there and he just went back and forth between us. I wasn't missing a piece but apparently one of the fillings had cracked. He ended up just replacing both of them and he had to deaden my mouth again. It didn't work quite right this time tho and he had to give me two shots. We were quite a pair walking out of there, me with the left side dead and him with the right side dead. We giggled at each other on the way to work. Now it's all worn off and I am having some residual pain that I'm not too pleased about but I can live with. My friends at work found it quite funny to talk to me but they all sympathized with me too.
Tonight I hope to just go home and relax. Hopefully we won't find any more cat sick anywhere either. Our cat does not normally puke, but she sure has done a lot of it this weekend, I have no idea what she got into if anything. I didn't give her dinner last night and only half her breakfast this morning, hopefully that will help cause we can't afford another vet visit right now.
Saturday morning I played some WoW and then Lily and I jumped in the shower. I know, it's weird to get in the shower with your dog, but if I wash her first then have Andy come and get her then wash myself, it works out really well and gets two birds with one stone. She was smelling like dirty socks that got wet and it just had to be done and I didn't want to mess with giving her a bath LOL. Then we decided to go to Sushi and Jason and Elizabeth went with us. We went to Tsunami this time and it was really good! We went and wondered around Toys R Us afterword then stopped for some frozen yogurt and went home. We watched an episode of Coupling (the British one) which was hilarious, and then they had to go. Elizabeth made us this gorgeous wreath to go on our door and had brought it over. I love it and can't wait to put it up, but not until after Thanksgiving. I'm a firm believer in one holiday at a time.
Sunday was spent reading, playing WoW, watching TV, and doing laundry. Andy was wonderful and made homemade bread as well. I haven't had homemade yeast bread in a long time and it was wonderful. I had two fillings done earlier in the week and I had had some sensitivity, but as the weekend went on it turned into pain and I was having a hard time eating. Even eating the soft warm bread hurt. I could also feel a bit of jaggedness between the two teeth. I decided that a piece maybe had come off. No matter what tho, I had no choice but to go back. I texted my boss and let her know I would be in late Monday. Andy already had an appointment Monday morning for some fillings of his own so instead of having him drop me off at work first, I just went with him. He called them this morning and let them know the situation and they got us both sat down as soon as we got there and he just went back and forth between us. I wasn't missing a piece but apparently one of the fillings had cracked. He ended up just replacing both of them and he had to deaden my mouth again. It didn't work quite right this time tho and he had to give me two shots. We were quite a pair walking out of there, me with the left side dead and him with the right side dead. We giggled at each other on the way to work. Now it's all worn off and I am having some residual pain that I'm not too pleased about but I can live with. My friends at work found it quite funny to talk to me but they all sympathized with me too.
Tonight I hope to just go home and relax. Hopefully we won't find any more cat sick anywhere either. Our cat does not normally puke, but she sure has done a lot of it this weekend, I have no idea what she got into if anything. I didn't give her dinner last night and only half her breakfast this morning, hopefully that will help cause we can't afford another vet visit right now.
Friday, November 12, 2010
We are finally, finally feeling better at our house. I've got a touch of draining and sinus pressure still, but it's backlash after I was done with the antibiotics. I finally went to the dentist after nearly eight years and was lucky and only had two small cavities. I really like my new dentist, that was the most enjoyable (if you can call a dental visit enjoyable) or maybe I should say easiest...ya that sounds better, dentist visit I have ever had. Two fillings, done quick and easy with no pain involved at all. Awesome.
Andy and I also finally got our butts in gear and have been cleaning. I think all that's left really are the floors and our bedroom. The house feels much better. I'm glad about this too because I am hosting girls night tonight and even though they are my closest friends, I still would have been embarrassed to have them all over a few days ago.
I've also been getting my craft on a bit and working on my cross-stitch that is about a three year so far on going project and I have been drawing some again as well. Let me tell you tho, doing a cross-stitch with a string worshipping cat in the house is a trial. It's amusing for me and frustrating and a lesson in patience for both of us. It doesn't matter where in the house Baggs is, she can hear me pick up the cloth I swear cause she is right at my feet before I can get truly started. She ends up on the foot stool in front of me with her eyes wide and her pupils huge just watching for all she's worth for an opportunity. Her and I have had many discussions concerning this, so for the most part she is a good girl and just sits and watches, but every once in a while the needle and thread get yanked out of my hand or the back of the cloth gets pounced on if I'm not vigilant. LOL
When we got off work yesterday we were both super tired. Andy went in the bedroom and I sat down on the couch. I turned my laptop on intending to do the budget but I was having a hard time focusing my eyes and decided to lay back for a minute and shut my eyes. I fell hard asleep. I have an alarm that goes off on my phone at 6:00 pm everyday and I vaguely remember that going off, but I stayed asleep. Well, a little after 7:00 I sat bolt upright and freaked out thinking we were late to work. The house was totally dark which didn't help. I jumped up and rushed to the bedroom and scared Andy half to death yelling that we were late (he had fallen asleep too). Then I realized, I had been on the couch not the bed. I said, "It's nighttime isn't it?" Andy groaned and laughed. Oops. I think the combo of the alarm going off and the house being dark and the fact that I had some dream about work did it. I hate it when that happens. We had both been out cold for over three hours.
Anyway, after work today I need to swing by the store for a few things, make a chicken cabbage salad and hopefully get the carpets vacuumed before everyone gets there. Andy said he will finish the dishes and mop before heading over to hang out with Dan. Busy fun night ahead.
Andy and I also finally got our butts in gear and have been cleaning. I think all that's left really are the floors and our bedroom. The house feels much better. I'm glad about this too because I am hosting girls night tonight and even though they are my closest friends, I still would have been embarrassed to have them all over a few days ago.
I've also been getting my craft on a bit and working on my cross-stitch that is about a three year so far on going project and I have been drawing some again as well. Let me tell you tho, doing a cross-stitch with a string worshipping cat in the house is a trial. It's amusing for me and frustrating and a lesson in patience for both of us. It doesn't matter where in the house Baggs is, she can hear me pick up the cloth I swear cause she is right at my feet before I can get truly started. She ends up on the foot stool in front of me with her eyes wide and her pupils huge just watching for all she's worth for an opportunity. Her and I have had many discussions concerning this, so for the most part she is a good girl and just sits and watches, but every once in a while the needle and thread get yanked out of my hand or the back of the cloth gets pounced on if I'm not vigilant. LOL
When we got off work yesterday we were both super tired. Andy went in the bedroom and I sat down on the couch. I turned my laptop on intending to do the budget but I was having a hard time focusing my eyes and decided to lay back for a minute and shut my eyes. I fell hard asleep. I have an alarm that goes off on my phone at 6:00 pm everyday and I vaguely remember that going off, but I stayed asleep. Well, a little after 7:00 I sat bolt upright and freaked out thinking we were late to work. The house was totally dark which didn't help. I jumped up and rushed to the bedroom and scared Andy half to death yelling that we were late (he had fallen asleep too). Then I realized, I had been on the couch not the bed. I said, "It's nighttime isn't it?" Andy groaned and laughed. Oops. I think the combo of the alarm going off and the house being dark and the fact that I had some dream about work did it. I hate it when that happens. We had both been out cold for over three hours.
Anyway, after work today I need to swing by the store for a few things, make a chicken cabbage salad and hopefully get the carpets vacuumed before everyone gets there. Andy said he will finish the dishes and mop before heading over to hang out with Dan. Busy fun night ahead.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Nothing done.
I am finally feeling better and my voice, if not back to normal, has mostly stopped being squeaky although I did go back and forth between squeaky and hoarse today. Still an improvement. Andy and I have been trading off being sick all month long and nothing has gotten done. I managed to get the front hose wound up and unhooked, but no fall yard work has been done, no grass seed sewn, the deck chairs haven't been put away, and the front fence hasn't been mended. I hope to get the chairs put away and the back hose unhooked, but I highly doubt anything else is getting done, not even the fence. Then I take a look around inside and am embarrassed. I am not the world's best house keeper by any means, but wow, we've really let things go. Time to pull up the boot straps and do what I can until I give out. Not tonight tho, it's Monday. It's been a long day. Tomorrow tho. We did manage to get some of the trash around the house picked up yesterday and out to the can this morning, but there is still more to pick up. It really builds up when you are both sick. At least the living room is tidy again.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Ooh it's been a while since I posted, which, kinda makes me a hypocrite, but I have a really good excuse. Last week was just plain horrible. Mix together a continued fight with my sinuses, being a girl, weather changes which aggravate my fibro, and being overly tired and you have one unhappy me. I stayed home from work Wednesday and tried to work from home Thursday, but didn't make it the whole day. I did make it to work on Friday and had a good day due to it being Halloween at work and a group of us were Tetris and we entered the costume contest (and I just realized I still don't know who won).
It was fun but super exhausting, by the end of the day I was done for. I got a second wind after work and we made it over to my sister's to carve pumpkins. I had no energy to do a fancy one tho and just did a basic
Jack-O-Lantern and was really done for after that.
Saturday I actually felt really good most of the day. We were lazy all day and then, because we hadn't had any trick-or-treaters by 5:00 and it was pouring rain, we headed down to my mom's. It was a bit of a crazy ride down, it was raining so bad visibility and grip on the road was bad. We made it down safe and had a really good visit. They actually had quite a few ToT's despite the weather. Just before we left to go home my throat started hurting, but I had gotten a bit of seasoning from some breadsticks stuck in my throat and I figured it was from that. We had a nice ride home as the weather had stopped.
When I woke up Sunday morning, my throat was on fire. We went to the instacare and I got put on some antibiotics for a very serious sinus infection and was given a note for two days rest from work. Great. I have already missed too much. Oh well. Needless to say I am on the second day off and am still miserable. My throat is still swollen and sore and my gagbag keeps sticking to my tongue making me gag. Ugh. Talking makes it all worse. I have to go in tomorrow no matter what tho, so I better feel better tomorrow. Ugh
We did get some ToT's Sunday night which made me happy since Sunday was the real Halloween.
So tired of being sick. Been fighting this crud for more than three weeks. If my doc had just given me some antibiotics when I went in for ear pain a month ago, I probably wouldn't be in this position. grrr
EDIT: Guess what? Our costume ensemble won 1st place! Saweet! Tetris will live forever!!!
It was fun but super exhausting, by the end of the day I was done for. I got a second wind after work and we made it over to my sister's to carve pumpkins. I had no energy to do a fancy one tho and just did a basic
Jack-O-Lantern and was really done for after that.
Saturday I actually felt really good most of the day. We were lazy all day and then, because we hadn't had any trick-or-treaters by 5:00 and it was pouring rain, we headed down to my mom's. It was a bit of a crazy ride down, it was raining so bad visibility and grip on the road was bad. We made it down safe and had a really good visit. They actually had quite a few ToT's despite the weather. Just before we left to go home my throat started hurting, but I had gotten a bit of seasoning from some breadsticks stuck in my throat and I figured it was from that. We had a nice ride home as the weather had stopped.
When I woke up Sunday morning, my throat was on fire. We went to the instacare and I got put on some antibiotics for a very serious sinus infection and was given a note for two days rest from work. Great. I have already missed too much. Oh well. Needless to say I am on the second day off and am still miserable. My throat is still swollen and sore and my gagbag keeps sticking to my tongue making me gag. Ugh. Talking makes it all worse. I have to go in tomorrow no matter what tho, so I better feel better tomorrow. Ugh
We did get some ToT's Sunday night which made me happy since Sunday was the real Halloween.
So tired of being sick. Been fighting this crud for more than three weeks. If my doc had just given me some antibiotics when I went in for ear pain a month ago, I probably wouldn't be in this position. grrr
EDIT: Guess what? Our costume ensemble won 1st place! Saweet! Tetris will live forever!!!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
We hung out at home Friday night, Andy was still dealing with the flu and I wasn't feeling too hot myself. I have been dealing with a mild cold and bad sinus pain for a week or two, but it hasn't put me down, just made me miserable. Saturday we played wow all morning. We haven't played World of Warcraft in six months for various reasons, but decided to reactivate our accounts a few days ago. We missed playing and talking to our in-game friends. They have made a lot of changes to the game in the last six months! We did some reading to catch up and then played with our stats and within about two instances we were back in the swing of things. Just like riding a bike! I love the changes they made to hunters and love the new abilities for holy priests. Andy seams to enjoy what changes were made for paladins and druids too. We're such geeks! I got to work on getting the cardboard off the small trunk in the afternoon and had a wonderful talk with my mom on the phone. Saturday evening I went and hung out with a few of my girls and Andy hung out with Dan and played Diablo II (I think I need to play that one, it looks fun) I really enjoy hanging out with my friends and getting out just us girls sometimes but I was out until 3:00 am once again LOL.
Today I just couldn't get going. I got up and made us both breakfast and then sat down and watched Andy play Assassin's Creed and then promptly fell back asleep. Once I woke up, I had a hard time shaking the sleep out of my head. When I finally did, I got the laundry going and then turned on wow. Anytime I had to wait for anything in game, I turned around and worked on the trunk a bit. It was a good way to pass the time.
I had to get out the putty knife and the hammer and get a bit rough with it to get most of the cardboard off. I finally got all the big chunks off and then went and found the spray bottle. I lightly sprayed what was left stuck to the trunk and the glue residue and let it sit for a bit. I then just scraped away with the putty knife until it was all more or less off. Andy then got mad at me for doing it all when this is supposed to be a project we do together. Oops. I screwed up. I just got started and couldn't stop. I love doing stuff like this and he has been sick and didn't act all that interested so I didn't even think to ask. I deserved his getting upset with me. I apologized and I had him get started on sanding the top. I think we'll scrape out the paper from the inside before we do anymore sanding though and I need to glue in a knot that fell out before we do one side as well.
It was raining bad outside today so we couldn't take it outside and use the power sander, but doing it by hand and utilizing the shop vac between areas to clean up the dust, it's not too bad doing it inside.
Today I just couldn't get going. I got up and made us both breakfast and then sat down and watched Andy play Assassin's Creed and then promptly fell back asleep. Once I woke up, I had a hard time shaking the sleep out of my head. When I finally did, I got the laundry going and then turned on wow. Anytime I had to wait for anything in game, I turned around and worked on the trunk a bit. It was a good way to pass the time.
I had to get out the putty knife and the hammer and get a bit rough with it to get most of the cardboard off. I finally got all the big chunks off and then went and found the spray bottle. I lightly sprayed what was left stuck to the trunk and the glue residue and let it sit for a bit. I then just scraped away with the putty knife until it was all more or less off. Andy then got mad at me for doing it all when this is supposed to be a project we do together. Oops. I screwed up. I just got started and couldn't stop. I love doing stuff like this and he has been sick and didn't act all that interested so I didn't even think to ask. I deserved his getting upset with me. I apologized and I had him get started on sanding the top. I think we'll scrape out the paper from the inside before we do anymore sanding though and I need to glue in a knot that fell out before we do one side as well.
Started out just prying a bit up here and there with a flathead screw driver |
Here you can see the glue residue |
Had to get out the big tools |
Bit by bit, going slow and easy, I got it all up. |
It's all gone! The wood is still a bit damp here, it doesn't look that splotchy, really. |
Started sanding the top |
The metal will look really nice once it's all sanded I think. |
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Trunk Project
I finally got started on the small trunk. After work today, I went downstairs and decided to get started. We had taken some of the canvas off the top the other night and sanded a little bit of both the wood and metal as a test to see exactly what we are getting ourselves into. Yes, that is a huge crack thru the wood on the left. We haven't decided whether to fill it with wood filler and hope for the best or dismantle the lid and replace that piece yet.
Today I completely stripped the whole thing of rotten canvas and it already looks tons better, even before sanding. Andy couldn't help, the poor guy is really sick today.
After I got it stripped, I was looking at it trying to decide what to do next and I noticed that the bottom half of the trunk looks funny (you can see it in the after pic). It is a different color and texture than the top and it shows water damage. Wood doesn't usually show water marks. I started examining it and decided it had to be particle board. I was really confused at this point because nothing I have read has said anything about trunk makers using particle board and it wouldn't hold up to the travel that these trunks went thru back in the day. Besides, I don't think particle board was even made a hundred or more years ago. We decided that maybe this trunk was a reproduction, but that was confusing too because of the very obvious aging showing on this thing. I gave up and decided to try and tackle the inside. This trunk has it's original paper lining. Very thin and well glued and it's going to be a pain to get out.
So I got out a razor blade and started scraping away at the paper and then got even more confused. It was showing solid pine boards all around and top to bottom. What the? Andy was downstairs at this point and we both got looking at it and decided it had to be a covering. I found a spot that had been gouged at some point in its life and decided to gouge it further with a flat head screw driver. I took out a big chunk and discovered the bottom half of the trunk, but only the front and sides, not the back, is covered in a thick compressed cardboard stuff. I can't find anything on any site even mentioning this. Do I leave it or remove it? I am hoping to refinish this trunk with minimal dismantling. With that in mind, if I remove the cardboard without removing the slats, I think it will be noticeable around the edges as it will make the slats look pushed out from the sides, but I highly doubt it will take an oil coat or stain and therefore will look awful if I leave it. But I was happy to realize that this is the real deal and not a reproduction.
I guess I can always remove it the same way I removed the canvas and then if it looks funny, dismantle the slats and metal. Big pain I hope to avoid, I'm already not looking forward to attaching the lid and replacing the latches on the front. You can't just pry everything off and yank out the nails. These trunks were built to hold together and last, if you just start yanking things you will remove huge chunks of wood and ruin the entire thing. Trunk makers really knew what they were doing. The nails used for these taper at the ends and are made of a pliable steel. They used a hammer and a steel "heal" to nail them together. The heal is held on the inside while you hammer the nail in thru the outside and when the nail hits it, the end curls and "clinches" back into the wood. What this does is makes the nail hold tight and not come out. To remove them you have to very carefully pry at the head and then snip it off and push it thru to the inside. Its a lot of work that could very easily go wrong. I'll have to special order the nails to get the right ones, but I'll have to order some replacement parts anyways like handle and latches. I found a great site that has these things for not too much money.
Anyway, we have a lot of work ahead of us. This thing has broken parts and rust all over it. It will be so worth it when it's done tho. I'm already in love with it and can't wait to see it done.
This will most definitely be a refinish job rather then a restoration (there is a difference). I have no idea why the blogger turned some of the pics, it's annoying and I can't fix it.
The left is just stripped, the middle has been sanded and a little of the slat between, the right still has canvas |
On the left you can see some shine on the metal where Andy sanded it |
Before |
After |
You can really see the water damage on the inside of the lid |
In the photos, you can hardly tell the inside is paper lined |
Weird huh? I think so |
Nice wood underneath tho |
Anyway, we have a lot of work ahead of us. This thing has broken parts and rust all over it. It will be so worth it when it's done tho. I'm already in love with it and can't wait to see it done.
The lid is not attached and will be interesting getting it back on |
Broken latch that will have to be replaced and the corner is rusted and banged thru to the wood |
The corners are beat up and rusty |
Ooh look at the bottom of this thing! Rust and split slats and half ruined rollers oh my! |
Sunday, October 17, 2010
It's been an okay week. Monday we got our flu shots at work, Tuesday we had our department's yearly retreat and Andy and I are lucky enough to not only work for the same company but to also work in the same department so we get to go to the retreat together. We went to the new Boondocks this year. It was tons of Fun. We bowled two rounds when we first got there, but they chose our teams for us which I wasn't too happy about, but it was still fun. I got a 77 the first round and was up to 71 the second when they cut us off. We were on a time limit and didn't get to finish the second round. We then moved on to laser tag, which I love! Andy and I were on the same team (I was hoping to be opposite so I could take him down LOL) and we were told to play defensive on the first round. I came in almost last on the score board and our team lost. They sent us in again and Andy and I played offensive this time. I found a lovely little corner that no one noticed at first where I could just pound their base. Once they discovered the corner, I used Andy as a meat shield and still pounded the base. What kind of wife does that make me? LOL Any way, I was the point leader that round and our team won! Sweet! I stepped in for a coworker on the third round and went in again. Did I tell you I LOVE laser tag? My gun this round was defective though and would only tag players and would not tag the base for some reason, it was so frustrating. We played the arcades the rest of the afternoon and then had to head back to work for a bit before going home. Wednesday I found another trunk to go buy and did so, Thursday was a typical day. Friday we had a date night and it was wonderful! we went to sushi again at a place called Takashi which was really good and then went to see Secretariat which was also good. Saturday we had a lazy morning and then headed out late to go to lunch and another movie. We saw Red this time which was a great movie, so funny! I love action comedies. We then went to Lowes and got our supplies to really get going on our trunks and then to my sister's church to help watch Becca for the scout fund raiser. It wasn't as fun as it usually is this year, but the chili cook off was tasty. We went to Stacie and Kenton's after to pick up their electric sander and headed home. Today I woke up stuffy and sick again, but I did get the laundry going and the house picked up if not cleaned. Now I am listening to the boys watch football in the other room. I don't care for football. I was hoping to get started on the small trunk today, but since Andy wants to help and he is watching the game, I can't. Oh well, there is always tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
K, so a few weeks ago I got talking to Gladys about old stuff and trunks and things and, as I have said before, I have been wanting a project to do quite bad. Well I fixated on trunks. I have always been fascinated by them in all shapes and sizes. I had a little box when I was little that I always pretended was a treasure chest and kept all my little treasures in it. I decided I wanted a real one. I started watching the antique section of and then I got looking at trunk restoration sites and got more specific about what I wanted. I went to an antique shop with my mother-in-law and found one there but it had been poorly restored already and they wanted way too much for it. I found one on ksl that wasn't worth having, too rotten, and then Andy and I went to a couple antique shops and we finally found one. It's huge! Its far bigger than what I had in my mind ( I can fit in it) and more than I had been wanting to pay, but it's beautiful and only needs minimal work. It even still has the tray, which is awesome. As far as I can tell, this was made sometime around the turn of the last century.
Someone took some time and did some restoration to this trunk at one point, but still a long time ago. The paper inside stunk, was discolored, and starting to rot. We started by removing the ugly paper. The black is what's left of some really old cardboard stuff that was on the roof and the bottom. The next step will be to get whats left of that out and then sand the inside smooth. I think it already looks tons better. I also talked to my dad and he said he can fit a key for it, yay!
We plan on brushing the canvas and polishing up all the metal after the inside and tray are sanded, then all it will need is some tung oil mix to coat and protect it inside and out to finish it up. Oh and to replace the handles, it's too awkward to move without them.. I'll post pics as we go.
So I thought I was done. I had my project and Andy is going to help me with it. But....I keep looking at ksl. I can't help it, it's another obsession. Well, today I found another trunk. It's smaller and beat up and older than our other one (which is actually appealing to me). But it was super cheap! and it wasn't sold yet. and we just got paid. So I went and picked it up. :) On a side note, I LOVE having gps.
This one has had a hard life. It's beat up, has some water damage, has loose nails and the top is not attached to the bottom, but we both agreed that this will be our practice project before we go on with our bigger one. If we get this one right we will feel safe moving on with the big one and we can sell the small one for far more than we paid for it. If we screw it up, we aren't out much. I'm super excited about both of them! I know, I'm crazy!
I'm done tho. Andy made me promise I wouldn't get any more no matter how cheap they are LOL
Someone took some time and did some restoration to this trunk at one point, but still a long time ago. The paper inside stunk, was discolored, and starting to rot. We started by removing the ugly paper. The black is what's left of some really old cardboard stuff that was on the roof and the bottom. The next step will be to get whats left of that out and then sand the inside smooth. I think it already looks tons better. I also talked to my dad and he said he can fit a key for it, yay!
We plan on brushing the canvas and polishing up all the metal after the inside and tray are sanded, then all it will need is some tung oil mix to coat and protect it inside and out to finish it up. Oh and to replace the handles, it's too awkward to move without them.. I'll post pics as we go.
So I thought I was done. I had my project and Andy is going to help me with it. But....I keep looking at ksl. I can't help it, it's another obsession. Well, today I found another trunk. It's smaller and beat up and older than our other one (which is actually appealing to me). But it was super cheap! and it wasn't sold yet. and we just got paid. So I went and picked it up. :) On a side note, I LOVE having gps.
This one has had a hard life. It's beat up, has some water damage, has loose nails and the top is not attached to the bottom, but we both agreed that this will be our practice project before we go on with our bigger one. If we get this one right we will feel safe moving on with the big one and we can sell the small one for far more than we paid for it. If we screw it up, we aren't out much. I'm super excited about both of them! I know, I'm crazy!
I'm done tho. Andy made me promise I wouldn't get any more no matter how cheap they are LOL
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Hellfire Sushi
Yesterday was a good day. We are both feeling better finally so that's always a plus. We decided to go down to my mom's early and visit. We haven't been down for a while and I have been missing my mom. It was really nice to visit and my sister and her family went down early too so that made it even better. Becca came in and immediately had to give us both hugs. She is such a little darling! It was a really good visit but we couldn't stay as long as I had hoped. We left about fourish and headed back home. We tested the gps in Andy's phone on the way down and on mine on the way back. It's going to be awesome to have gps, they both work great.
When we got home I decided to work on my trunk a bit and between the two of us we got all the old, gross paper out of the inside and off the tray. There was really old cardboard stuff on the roof and the bottom and we'll have to get a scraper to get all of that out, but then all we have to do is sand and stain the inside and that part is done. It looks so much better already.
We then headed over to Jason and Elizabeth's so we could all go get sushi together. We had watched Man versus Food a while back and the guy had visited a local sushi place, Kobe Cho, that has this hellfire challenge (we used our new fancy gps to get there, cause none of us knew where it was). For the challenge, you have to eat two pieces of their level 6 spicy tuna roll and then two pieces of their 6.5 to even qualify to do the challenge. If you do that you have to sign a waiver that releases the restaurant from any liability for your actions and to show that this was all your idea before going on. It's a pretty daunting waiver, it states that in the event of hospitalization that you will not sue and in the event of death your spouse and/or family will not sue as it was your choice to go on! Crazy! It mentioned hospitalization several times and death in every paragraph. We asked about it and our waitress said no one has ever died and only three people had to be taken to the hospital. They have 10 levels of heat. Only 53 have succeeded with the level 7 challenge. Only three have made it to the 8 and we assumed those were the three that went to hospital.
Andy ordered the hellfire challenge. My husband is crazy. She brought him out his roll after serving the rest of us. He ate four pieces of the level 6 roll when he only needed to eat two and asked for the next level.
When we got home I decided to work on my trunk a bit and between the two of us we got all the old, gross paper out of the inside and off the tray. There was really old cardboard stuff on the roof and the bottom and we'll have to get a scraper to get all of that out, but then all we have to do is sand and stain the inside and that part is done. It looks so much better already.
We then headed over to Jason and Elizabeth's so we could all go get sushi together. We had watched Man versus Food a while back and the guy had visited a local sushi place, Kobe Cho, that has this hellfire challenge (we used our new fancy gps to get there, cause none of us knew where it was). For the challenge, you have to eat two pieces of their level 6 spicy tuna roll and then two pieces of their 6.5 to even qualify to do the challenge. If you do that you have to sign a waiver that releases the restaurant from any liability for your actions and to show that this was all your idea before going on. It's a pretty daunting waiver, it states that in the event of hospitalization that you will not sue and in the event of death your spouse and/or family will not sue as it was your choice to go on! Crazy! It mentioned hospitalization several times and death in every paragraph. We asked about it and our waitress said no one has ever died and only three people had to be taken to the hospital. They have 10 levels of heat. Only 53 have succeeded with the level 7 challenge. Only three have made it to the 8 and we assumed those were the three that went to hospital.
Andy ordered the hellfire challenge. My husband is crazy. She brought him out his roll after serving the rest of us. He ate four pieces of the level 6 roll when he only needed to eat two and asked for the next level.
![]() |
Three pieces gone and three left of the level 6 roll |
He was hardly phased by the level 6. His eyes watered the tiniest bit and that was it.
![]() |
This is him after the level 6. Nothin'. |
He then told the waitress he was going on and asked for the next level. The man is crazy, the 6.5 have raw chili powder mix on them!
![]() |
These are the two pieces of the 6.5 |
She brings him out his two pieces and he takes a look them, smiles, and eats one. Then the other. He looks at the waitress and says, "Lets do it, I'm going on." She then left and came back with the waiver form for him sign. While we were waiting his eyes started to water and he started blowing his nose.
Here's the waiver if you feel like reading it :) |
She brought it over and he started looking it over and signed it. By this time his eyes are red and he is blowing his nose like crazy and he is starting to be in distress. I told him he wasn't allowed to die on me and then he got up and went to the bathroom. We all read over the waiver and were being amazed at some of the stuff it says. I decided to stick just the tip of my finger in a little of the sauce from one of the remaining two pieces of the 6. I stuck it on my tongue. This tiny little dot of sauce. I thought my mouth was going to fry. I provided some additional entertain as I tried to cool off my mouth and throat from that tiny little bit. I can't believe he ate four of them and two of the next! I realize now that I had been worried enough about him that I didn't think to snap a picture of his face after eating the 6.5.
Once he came out he told us he had just experienced some of the worst stomach cramping he had ever had, but as soon as he broke into a sweat he was fine and feeling great! I'm quite sure that if he hadn't been full (he had also order a dragon roll) that he would have went on. He went and talked to the chef and found out he should have paced himself and he would have been okay and that the Man versus Food guy had actually taken two hours to complete the challenge (there is no time limit). I'm glad my husband is okay, but it was sure funny for the guy that scares Asians and Thais with the heat he can handle to finally find a hot that was too hot for him. He said next time tho that he'll order a level 6 roll just because it was really good. I tell ya again, crazy!
I have to say tho that that was the best sushi I have ever had. It was all delicious and fresh and they actually use real crab on the rolls that have it. Every other place we've been using that crappy imitation stuff. I sure wish sushi wasn't so expensive, we'd eat it more. :)
We then went over to Dan's and bought some gelato ice cream that was super yummy and headed over to Jason and Elizabeth's to play games. The guys played some football game for a bit while us girls talked and then we all played a round of monopoly on the Wii. I think we need to buy that one, it was fun!
Over all, it was a great day!
Oh and I can guarantee that we'll be back to that sushi place again. Andy says he will be going into training and trying it again LOL
Oh and I can guarantee that we'll be back to that sushi place again. Andy says he will be going into training and trying it again LOL
Thursday, October 7, 2010
My new phone was activated and working this morning, yay! I love it! It's so much easier to text on, and I can post on fb. Andy's, however, was not. Sprint said it is something to do with how the different phones were set up. Dumb. He has to wait until tomorrow and isn't very happy about it.
I felt like dirt again today and stayed home again, but I did manage to work my hours. I like being able to do that. With drugs, I am feeling better enough to stay awake but that's about it. I hate being sick.
Well enough griping don't you think? The world needs less griping. So on to good things. Eggs. I love eggs. Fried, poached, boiled, scrambled, deviled, by themselves or with other things, I don't care. They are the prefect food. They take forever to go bad until you cook em, they come in their own packaging, they are good for any meal or with almost any meal, they are also a great source of protein and certain vitamins, and you can decorate them and make them pretty. You can even do all kinds of fun things with the shells. You can paint, dye, and carve them, and even turn them into decorative little boxes. I've even seen a pair of small computer speakers housed in empty shells and someone served yogurt in carefully, artfully, broken half shells I saw in a magazine. They are so versatile and they just taste so dang good. They are my favorite food. A well cooked, over-easy, fried egg or a freshly boiled, still warm egg always makes me smile. Even on a crap day. I just fried up some eggs for both of us, and it was delicious!
I felt like dirt again today and stayed home again, but I did manage to work my hours. I like being able to do that. With drugs, I am feeling better enough to stay awake but that's about it. I hate being sick.
Well enough griping don't you think? The world needs less griping. So on to good things. Eggs. I love eggs. Fried, poached, boiled, scrambled, deviled, by themselves or with other things, I don't care. They are the prefect food. They take forever to go bad until you cook em, they come in their own packaging, they are good for any meal or with almost any meal, they are also a great source of protein and certain vitamins, and you can decorate them and make them pretty. You can even do all kinds of fun things with the shells. You can paint, dye, and carve them, and even turn them into decorative little boxes. I've even seen a pair of small computer speakers housed in empty shells and someone served yogurt in carefully, artfully, broken half shells I saw in a magazine. They are so versatile and they just taste so dang good. They are my favorite food. A well cooked, over-easy, fried egg or a freshly boiled, still warm egg always makes me smile. Even on a crap day. I just fried up some eggs for both of us, and it was delicious!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Sick and tired of being sick and having headaches. I've got the worst allergies I've ever had going on effecting my left eye, my throat, my sinuses, and my ears. I'm pretty sure I've got a sinus infection or cold going on too and I've been getting a lot of headaches lately. I think they are stress, allergy, and muscle strain related. Tired of it all. I've also been hurting more with my fibro, but that's normal for the season. The weather is in flux and the barometric pressure is in flux, this makes my muscles very unhappy and they voice that unhappiness very loudly. Missed work today which I don't like doing, but that meant I was here when our new phones were delivered. That was nice, I got them out and got them both charging before Andy got home. But then Andy called and asked me to come get him, he's miserable too. This is very selfish of me, but I never get to be doted on when I'm sick. I get sick, and right after he gets sick. I just want to be cuddled and doted on damnit! LOL I feel really bad that he doesn't feel good either. I don't like him being sick.
I kept the car home with me because I was supposed to go to the dentist (eek) but ended up canceling it, which sucks because they didn't have another late appointment which means I'll have to take time off work for it next time. grrrr That also meant I had to drag my sorry butt out of bed to go get Andy. It was really hard to wake up.
So we now have our new phones, but guess what? We can't use them until sometime tomorrow. Something to do with transferring our numbers so we don't have to change them. Oh well.
K, off my box now.
I kept the car home with me because I was supposed to go to the dentist (eek) but ended up canceling it, which sucks because they didn't have another late appointment which means I'll have to take time off work for it next time. grrrr That also meant I had to drag my sorry butt out of bed to go get Andy. It was really hard to wake up.
So we now have our new phones, but guess what? We can't use them until sometime tomorrow. Something to do with transferring our numbers so we don't have to change them. Oh well.
K, off my box now.
Monday, October 4, 2010
I forgot to show you Lily's new toy. It just goes to show she belongs to geeks (dorks) - they had one that had OMG on it too. hehe
In the background, Baggs charges up her lazors to destroy teh LOL!
(I'm tired and have been looking at too many lolcats/dogs)
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