I have upped my nerdiness and added to my overall geekiness by joining a Dungeons and Dragons game. It's all my husband's fault, he's a bad influence (hehe). He has a history of getting me into these things. For example, "Just play a character to level 10 and if you don't like it I'll never mention it again." with World of Warcraft (I had three 85's when I quit). Anyway, he joined a friend's game a few months back but they had a player quit and just before Christmas he talked me into coming and trying it out. I've been to three sessions now and I have to admit, it's been fun. It's really different from most any game I've ever played, but fun. Plus, I get to have some really cool dice and a cool chain mail dice bag! Also, I really like the other couple that's playing. They're fun to talk to and we have a lot of common interests.
Speaking of bad influence, among the other things I blame my husband for :), I have now started sipping coffee here and there. As I sit here sipping one this morning, I had this odd sense of feeling older while doing it. I mentioned that to Andy and he said, "Well maybe it's because it's something adults do." I found this very funny and kind of profound. I have often said that my mental age is far different from my physical age and I really hope I never grow up. Physically I'm 33, mentally I peg myself to be about 18-21 with the occasional 12 year old outburst (I want my fishies and I want them now, dammit!). I think it was my mental age feeling older while sipping coffee, as, often times, my mind still thinks it's a child and I find myself still thinking along the lines of, "Only adults do that.", so I think my husband pegged it on the nose.
Although I still don't really care for the taste of coffee, I like the caffeine boost without the sugar and I like that it's warm (it's cold at my work). I have however, discovered that I really like tea. I can't drink tea in the morning tho because it tends to relax me and make me sleepy so if I drink it at work I have to chase it with a Dew, which makes me cold again, and then I'm on a roller coaster that I can't get off and can make for a slightly cranky Stef at the end of the day. So tea is best avoided at work, lol.
Speaking of wanting fishies, I decided to sell my old Kindle and I found a buyer. Yay for tank funds! I'm also contemplating selling my Nintendo DS, since the only person to have played it in the last year was my niece. If I do decide to sell it, I'll be able to have my tank up and running right now, which would be awesome! This put ideas into my husband's head however and he is thinking about selling his DS as well so he can fulfill a long time want and get a tortoise. I have to admit tho, tortoises are cute and I've always wanted a turtle, so it works close enough.
We're crazy lol